Day 41

12 2 7

Part 1:
If you guys haven't noticed, there are two things I don't like right now, maybe for the rest of the school year: Spanish and Group work. I have to do this partner assignment with this girl aka my neighbor. She's cool and stuff but, she SUCKS in Spanish and I mean SUCKS! She has a C or B in Spanish while I have an A. She doesn't do well on her assignments and she doesn't even know how to conjecate verbs! So it's up to me to make sure that our grade is good and that way she doesn't make me start off bad in the second quarter.

Part 2:
Biology was good. Except I had to work with the baby sophomore again. In telling you, that dude doesn't know how to do his work. I feel like as a freshmen you realize how dumb some of the other grades are stupid. How are you in high school again?

Part 3:
Once again, we're back to a boring LSN class. Now we're learning about the different sides of the political parties which should be interesting. Especially in today's time.

Part 4:
English was okay, once again group work so based off of my ranting about it, you already know how it goes.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!!☕☕☕☕

Part 5:
So there is this freshmen couple and let me just say, they are cute. But, in my opinion, dating is the last thing on my mind especially in freshmen year. Just saying. I'm already stressed out enough and I don't want to be worrying about maintaining a relationship. Just saying.

Let's just take a Moment to Get Real.

Part 6:
Abortion. That is one of the main things that we face today. Should it be legal or illegal? In my opinion, it should be illegal because, this is in my mom's words, if you think you were grown enough to have sex, you were grown enough to have a child. And she's right. I mean you made the decision, you knew what the outcome was going to be if you didn't use protection, right? Okay then. And plus here are the other reasons, 1 your ending a life that's not even born yet, 2, you may be getting rid of someone who's going to make history, and 3, you're going to be living with a pit of guilt and questions asking yourself what would of happened if I had that child? Look, if you can't raise a baby in that certain time, don't get rid of it, instead ask someone you know to take care of it or put it up for adoption. Something. But don't end that life because you feel as if you made a mistake and didn't want this. If you don't agree with me, that's your opinion. I just had to get this off of my chest because it's irritating and terrible to see someone ruining their life and their child's life.

Hope you enjoyed today's chapter. Sorry I didn't have good tea. More tomorrow, hopefully.

*Live and Love Life*

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