Day 30

19 4 9

Part 1:
I'm telling you, doing breaststrokes are hard to do. I was struggling to do them. I don't really get the jist of it. Plus I sort of got over my fear of being in the deep end. I let go of the wall, went under, and came back up. I'm pretty proud of myself.

Part 2:
In my biomed class, my teacher wasn't here for the first part of class so we had to do a one pager which I don't really like. They're okay, I just hate reading boring stuff.

Part 3:
Okay, working on translations and reflections in geometry is irritating. I'm okay with it, but doing it over and over and over again is annoying. Also here Sam the homework is pg. 585 3-11 (don't graph just write down the points) and #12.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!☕☕☕☕

Part 4:
This girl keeps on sending pictures of her legs and videos of her working out to this boy. Like why? He doesn't like you. LET IT GO.

Part 5:
Remember that girl that's dating a junior and she's only a freshmen and she had sex with him twice? Yeah, well I found this out today. She's on the soccer team at school and Moss told me that when soccer practice is cancelled, she doesn't let her parents know. She just goes over to her house. I would not be surprised if she gets pregnant honestly.

Now let's just take a Moment to Get Real.

Part 6:
So this is mostly for the boys. So guys, how would you like it if a group of girls, that you don't even know, came up to you and just started treating you like a celebrity? I know some of you would like that but what if you were a new student to the school? Tbh I would be creeped out a little. Like I don't know you. Personal space please.

Hey guys. I know, today was a little dry but I tried to get something for you guys. Hope you enjoyed it.

*Live and Love Life*

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