Day 106

9 4 0

Part 1:
The sub in engineering was terrible. She wouldn't allow us to go on our phones or listen to music on the computer. She sucked.

Part 2:
Health was okay. We talked about binge eating. We even watched a video on it. I was a little disgusted about what binge eating was not at the people.

Part 3:
In biomed today we had to present what are some complications are of diabetes. My group did okay.

Part 4:
In geometry we had to take a post test. I did pretty good on it.

Question of the Day:

Do you and your friends do bets?

Let's just take a Moment to Get Real.

Part 5:
Most of the boys that I'm friends with seem clingy. They are always in my space, talk to me A LOT, and they just bother me sometimes. They're nice but still. Only one of them are not clingy but he is showing signs of something else I think. The point of this is: LADIES! Watch out for boys that are clingy because they are difficult and don't understand certain signs of go away.

Hey guys! Sorry there was no tea. I'll try again next week.

*Live and Love Life*


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