Day 25

20 4 12

Part 1:
Okay, today was all over the place. We didn't have activity period since a 10th graders and a few 9th ans 11th were taking the PSAT'S. That test must of been long because they started at like 7 something and didn't end till 11 something. I'm like dang. I'm not looking forward to that.

Part 2:
The one thing I hate about my school is all the freaking stairs. Since the second floor (10th grade floor) was closed off because of testing, some classes were switched. So my Spanish class was on the fourth floor (seniors floor) today. So I went there for class and headed down to the second floor. Now at that time, I didn't know they closed it off. I checked a list on a wall to see where my biology class was located and it was on the fourth floor next to where my Spanish class was. I'm like bruh.

Part 3:
In government class, my teacher assigned us to these groups to do these government topic things. I hate it when teachers assign our groups. Now I didn't get the most annoying kid in my class, but I did get this girl who doesn't really care for her grades, another girl who's just lost, and another girl who is annoying when she talks. Now another girl, I'm cool with. It seems like I'm gonna have to take control over this group. Today I felt like I was gonna go off on them because they were off topic. I still want to yell at them. Pray for me y'all beacuee y'all know I'm not good with working in groups.

Part 4:
My English teacher got on my nerves today. This teacher came in today that way we could interview him. Keep in mind we had to write down what he said (like paraphrase it kind off). Plus the dude liked to talk so each answer was like 2 paragraphs.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!!☕☕☕☕☕

Part 5:
Not even fifteen minutes into the school day, a fight happens. I think it was fight. Either it was starting or teachers just saw what was happening and broke it up.

Part 6:
A couple might of broken up today. This couple was arguing and the boy looked like he was about to hit the girl but he didn't.

Now let's just take a Moment to Get Real.

Part 7:
Have you've ever have that one friend who is nice but they can be annoying? I do. The way she talks is irritating. Like can you talk less. There be sometimes I don't even pay attention when she talks because she's just annoying.  

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this part. Sorry if it's a little dry. Hopefully more tomorrow!

*Live and Love Life*

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