Day 62

19 2 5

Part 1:

Engineering class was so boring. We were talking about different types of measurements and stuff like that. No one was really paying attention at all. Then to make matters worse, these 4 sophomores were singing old shows' theme songs. They sanged Austin and Ally and Victorious. Then you had this one freshmen who was cursing uderneath her breath telling them to shut up. Honestly they were so irritating and they can't sing at all. Life is just great right now.

Part 2:
Gym class we did a human knot and it was terrible. Just going to leave it at that. Now here's the best part. This boy was shooting hoops and when he shot, he missed. So as the ball was bouncing back to him, he was holding a ball, so when he tried to stop the ball that was bouncing he missed it and it hit him in his manhood. He fell to the floor and was groaning in pain. My friend and I were laughing the whole time, I almost died of laughter. He kept on saying "I think I broke my family's jewels." It was so funny. Once he was no longer in pain, he got up and started telling me about how when he used to play soccer, the ball would bounce off of his penis, and those were his exact words. He also said that people called him balls of steel. I was done after that.

Part 3:
In biomed, I had to work my group that I can't stand at all. We had to make a model of a person that doesn't have diabetes then a model of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. I basically did all of the work while my group did nothing! Hopefully I get the points, instead of them. Also the boy that got hit in his manhood came into class walking weird and holding an ice pack in his hand.

Part 4:
This whole hour of coding is so annoying! In math today we had to do this worksheet that was boring as what.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!☕☕☕

Part 5:
So there was almost a fight yesterday during dismissal. These two girls were arguining about something and before they could start fighting and administrator came and broke it up. Then today, one of the girls was talking about trash about the other girl so I can a part 2 happening.

Part 6:
A girl was having a panic attack on a bus most likely about her grades since they are being pushed out today.

Hey guys! Sorry for no Moment to Get Real. But I did get some type of tea. Also we are super close to reaching my goal!!! Keep it up guys! Thanks for your support!

*Live and Love Life*


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