Day 13

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Part 1:
For once, my Spanish actually did something fun with us. I mean on Wednesday we were allowed to be on our phones but today we did arts and crafts which I love doing. A few of us, including me, painted a banner for Hispanic Heritage Month. Others were making flowers to place around the class. Also I got 25/25 on my Spanish test. Honetsly it wasn't even that hard. Today was a pretty chill class.

Part 2:
In biology we basically just focused on the carbon cycle which I find so freaking boring. It was a little arts and crafts thing too. We had to go around the room understanding what it was like being in a cycle. So there were stations with different color beads. So we were basically making a bracelet as we headed to different stations.

Part 3:
I'm telling you, I understand that I have to undestand political stuff when I get older but my teacher makes it sound so boring that I don't even want to pay attention. I literally start falling asleep every time we do an assignment.

Part 4:
English class was pretty simple. All we did was talk about different generations (up above). It was very interesting.

Okay, I'm going to be doing something new. I'm going to be mixing tea time with a few of my rants so enjoy!

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!!☕☕☕☕☕

Part 5:
So there is this couple that I'm not even sure if they are a couple. But I saw the girl sitting on the boy's lap at lunch. Plus they've been hanging out with each other lately. I'll find out if they are going out or not. I think they are though.

Okay, this is the time when I do my rants.

Okay, everyone, let's just take a moment to get real.

Part 6:
Have you ever had a friend that you were pretty close to and over time you lose contact with each other and then you see them again and they try to rebuild that friendship up again? Well I do. Now I know that's a lot but there is this girl that I knew back in 6th grade and her and I were pretty close. Over the last two years, we didn't talk as much and now she's trying to rebuild this friendship back up. It's not working. It's awkward and she's like one of those on and off friends. I'm trying not to hang out with her but she seems to know everyone I hang out with. Just a heads up, stay away from on and off friends.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this. Sorry for the late update by the way. Hopefully more interesting things next week.

*Live and Love Life*

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