Day 55

38 2 9

Part 1:
So my Spanish teacher did a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing was that she gave us the option of printing out our floor plans of our homes instead of drawing them. Yay! The bad thing is we have to write a discriptive paragraph of our house in SPANISH! She's making us do this instead of some PowerPoint.

Part 2:
Biology was simple so we're just going to skip that.

Part 3:
LSN class boring as ever again. So skip.

Part 4:
We had a test on part 1 of To Kill A Mockingbird. I did okay on it. The write up questions is what got me and also the fact that I don't really care for the book anyway so yeah.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!☕☕☕

Feels good to say that😊

Part 5:
So this sophomore recently got into a fight with this girl over something, I don't know. But anyway that sophomore was dating a senior but they broke up after he found out that she cheated on him with.........

I'll tell you guys tomorrow. I'm busy right now. Sorry. Hopefully more tomorrow.

*Live and Love Life*


Anyway, back to Part 5:
The girl cheated on him with not 1, not 2, not 3, but 10 OTHER GUYS! First off, I want to know how the hell she was able to do that and two what is wrong with you? Talk about having replacements.

Okay now this time it's for real. Sorry there is no Moments to Get Real. Nothing to rant about today. More tomorrow, hopefully.

*Live and Love Life*

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