Day 57

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Part 1:
I am very competitive and I mean VERY competitive. If you are on my team, you better know what we're doing and how we're going to do it. Apperently that didn't happen in my Spanish class today. We were divided up into 4 teams and of course, I got to the two idiots in my class on my team. We lost. Thanks to them. Enough said.

Part 2:
In biology we didn't really do that much so I'm just going to skip that.

Part 3:
We had to take a test on this past unit that we did in LSN. I think I did pretty well on it. Hopefully it brings my grade up just a little bit.

Part 4:
In English, we just focused on our argument essays. Some girls were even arguing about abortion. Some of them said that it should be illegal while some said it should be legal. I think it should be illegal. That's just MY OPINION! You can find my reasons why on my story MOMENTS.

Let's just take a Moment to Get Real.

Part 5:
This is for all the boys okay. Hopefully some of y'all girls can relate to this. ATTENTION BOYS! One thing that you do not want to do is get on a girl's nerves. Just a fair warning. Here's a list of what to do in order to avoid that:

* Don't be on us.

*Don't be annoying to us especially on certain days or weeks.

*Don't keep on asking her what's wrong every 5 minutes. Sometimes, there is nothing wrong with us.

*Give us our PERSONAL SPACE!

*Now some of us don't want to hear dumb stuff so if you're thinking about saying something dumb, don't.

*Don't blow up our phones. Unless you are that girl's boyfriend and your saying nice stuff, don't do it. Whether it's on here, Snapchat, Instagram, or text, don't do it.

Girls, if I missed something, please comment your list of things. I hope you boys read those girls comments and get this list that I just said because I promise you, it will help you.

Sorry there was no tea today. Hopefully some tomorrow.

*Live and Love Life*

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