Day 5

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Part 1:
I'm telling you, I hate waking up at like 5 in the morning just to get on the bus at 6:05 just to be at school at 7:15. I'm so freaking tired. I almost fell asleep in Spanish 2 and in History. I'm so freaking tired everyday and then on top of that, you have those teachers who like to give you so much work, it's ridiculous. High School is so stressful.

Part 2:
Okay, so in biology, my teacher made us do this "lab" where she put a few mealworms in a container and we had to write down observations. Now it was cool and disgusting watching them move around and try to escape. I don't do bugs so of course I didn't touch them. Ew.

What time is it?

TEA TIME!!!!☕☕☕☕☕
And let me just say, I have some good tea.

Part 3:
So over the weekend this boy was texting Moss and asking her all these weird questions like how tall are you? Like the freak. Why you asking me how tall am I? Then when Moss asked why he was like does it matter? Ummm yeah it does actually. You sound like a freaking creep asking me how tall am I with no reason why.

Anyway, so she said how tall she was and how tall he was then he was like I need to ask you a question. Now I'm thinking he's about to ask her out but, his question got me mad and I'll explain why.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

*Live and Love Life*

SIKE!!!!😂😂😂😂 I wouldn't do that to you guys. Moving on.

So he said I like one of your friends. She sits with you at lunch. So Moss was like Golden (Golden is me for those who don't know) or Ashley. Then he was like the pretty one with brown hair. I was like what the f@$#!!!! First of all he is throwing shade. Like what you trying to say, Moss and I aren't pretty? Second of all you asked her how tall she is just to say that I like one of your friends? And that's not all!

He also texted Teagan about asking Moss a question. So we went through all of this, for that. Like you are stupid for texting her instead of Ashley about this. Plus Ashley is taken so yeah.

Moss told him that and he was oh well your cool, really cool, and pretty cool. Basically he's saying hey if I can't get her, do you wanna be my back up? Hmm let me think. NO! This boy is so freaking stupid.

So after that he was like I thought you were mean and a goth. First off, Moss is not mean. How do you say someone is mean by looking at them? Second of all, Moss doesn't wear all black and acts like a goth. Honestly, this is what I would of done after that. I would of texted him and be like "Okay I gtg because your stupid and your getting on my nerves. Go find someone else who's interested." I would of used "other" words but I'm trying to contain myself.

That just really pissed me off. Okay I'm done now.

Hey Guys! Sorry for the late update. High school will really keep you busy. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for more.

*Live and Love Life*

P.S. This is actually the end!😂

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