Day 54

15 2 5

Part 1:
I'm back! Honestly that break went by fast. I really wanted to sleep in and do nothing all day but hey, I gotta go to school. Anyway, engineering was pretty simple. We didn't really do anything at all but just finish up a worksheet.

Part 2:
Gym was okay. We did nothing but play an elementary game and play basketball or shoot hoops. To be honest, gym sucks.

Part 3:
Biomed was pretty simple. We just started another part of are unit. Turns out, we have 5 UNITS TO GO THROUGH! Yay. We are still on unit 1. We also have this "project" which is a report that we have to make. It's not to hard.

Part 4:
Geometry was ok. We just basically took notes and did classwork. Boring.

Let's just take a Moment to Get Real.

Part 5:
You ever have that one person that is nice but irritating? Well I do. He won't ever leave me alone. Always telling me stupid stuff and I sometimes feel like he is stalking me. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just being honest. He's nice but IRRITATING!

Hey guys! Since break is over, everything seems dry but hopefully everything picks back up later through the week.

*Live and Love Life*

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