Day 74

9 3 8

I'M BACK!!!! Honestly that break went by fast tbh. Anyway today might not be as good, I'm sorry. Now, on with the story.

Part 1:
Engineering was so boring today. All we did was take notes on a freaking PowerPoint. Lame.

Part 2:
So I forgot my gym uniform this morning and I asked my mom to bring it to school and turns out, I didn't even need it. All we did in PE today was a worksheet.

Part 3:
In biomed we just finished up our unit and already I got tons of homework. Thanks a lot Mrs. C.

Part 4:
We spent majority of class on our warm up. Then we took notes ans now we have book homework. Yay.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!!☕☕☕

Part 5:
So everyone in my group in geometry is officially single. My friend broke up with her boyfriend before winter break and my other friend broke up with her boyfriend in geometry. So yeah. #singlelife.

Like I said, it wasn't that good and I'm sorry. Hopefully more tomorrow.

*Live and Love Life*

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