Day 128

5 2 1

Part 1:
Spanish was okay. We just went over vocabulary and that was it.

Part 2:
Biology was easy. We started something new and it was cool. And for once I actually like working in a group.

Part 3:
LSN was boring, as usual. All we did was do the mock HSA. It was okay. I think I did pretty decent.

Part 4:
So I left class early because my lacrosse bus was leaving at 2. So I missed majority of it.

You know what time it is. It's.........
TEA TIME!!!!!!

Part 5:
So there was a fight today between two sophomores. I haven't seen the video so I'll let y'all know about the details tomorrow.

Hey guys! I finally got some tea. Hope you guys are happy.

*Live and Love Life*


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