Day 45

15 3 7

Part 1:
My presentation for Spanish went well today. I hope we got a good grade on it though.

Part 2:
We are starting our SSL project in LSN. We watched a documentary about child poverty. It's amazing to see what kids go through at this young of an age.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!!☕☕☕

Part 3:
This one girl threw her lunch against the office walls and saying "I hate this school" ans "get off me" since some people were trying to calm her down. Something must of happened.



Part 4:
We had a sub in homeroom today and when he was almost done with attendance, our teacher walks in. The sub tells her that she has two students absent. He said one girl and one boy and told her their names. My teacher said they are both boys. The sub was like really. It was so funny guys! Honestly I gotta start recording some of these things.

Once again, another dry day. Sorry guys. It might be a dry day tomorrow as well since it's a half day.

*Live and Love Life*

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