Day 14

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First off u would like to give a big THANK YOU to all of you for getting this book into the rankings. I know it's only #866 in the non-fiction section but that means a lot to me. Thank you for enjoying my book. Also as a bonus, I got some pretty interesting stuff for you guys today. And a special guess from It Gets Real!

Part 1:
I had to present today in my engineering class. It was okay but I was kind of nervous because I don't really like speaking in front of the class but once you get it over with it's not to bad. I hope I got a good grade on it.

Part 2:
So today we started this thing called activity period. It's when you go to these clubs, activities, or visit a teacher for extra help and you have to do homework. Today I went to this called Natural Beauty and it was fun. The teachers that are in charge are so much fun and are hilarious. One of them was like when she was younger she was apart of the itty bitty titties community. I was laughing my butt off. But they're cool. Also get this, so many people wanted to join this club that they had to tell people to leave because it was starting to get packed. I was glad I got there in enough time because I came from the first floor and the club was on the third floor. Mind you my school is big.

Part 3:
I hate how gym is my second class of the day because I sweat pretty easy. Which means when I get dress, I have to wipe sweat off and put some perfume or deodorant on. I miss it when I used to have gym at the end of the day and all I have to do is go home and take a shower.

Part 4:
In biomed we are starting to get into are mystery investigation. I'm really excited because I've always wanted to solve a crime. I know this will be fun. Today we got to find clues and observations about the crime scene. (Up top is a better picture of the crime scene.)

Part 5:
My math teacher is really starting to get on my nerves. She gave us two pieces of homework about something we JUST learned! Also she was rushing through the lesson too. Once again, I have one of those math teachers.

You know what time it is. It's TEA TIME!!!!☕☕☕☕☕☕

Part 6:
Guess who showed up at school today? The one and only slut from middle school, ELIZABETH! Once again she found some boys to hang out with while she waited for a bus to take her to her school. And guess who she found? Lee. Aka her ex from three weeks ago. Went out for a week and a half. Yeah. That girl got problems.

Part 7:
Once again, another fight almost broke out. All because of a spot in line. And I thought in middle school they fight over dumb stuff. They didn't get into a fight fight but it was like pushing each other around sort of fight.

Now let's just take a moment to get real.

Part 8:
There is this girl who is in my math class and she talks a lot. And I mean a lot. She is always telling someone to shut up and move and stuff and I'm like I know you can't be talking. Now I'm not offending anybody here but when you big, it's an easy target for you to get joaned on. Like I said, I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just being honest. With your big moyth, you can't be telling people to shut up. Then you got the nerve to tell people to movr their big heads out the way and you the biggest one in the class- I'm just going to stop right here. But the point is, don't tell people what to do when you do the same thing.

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update. I had my stupid geometry homework and my little sisters had a game tonight. Hope you enjoyed this part today.

*Live and Love Life*

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