Who Are You?

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Alec's POV
My eyes fluttered open as I woke up with a start in my bedroom. I sighed grabbing my phone and calling the one person who would make my day. (Clary? Kidding!) "Eric D'Matthews speaking," he spoke. "Eric hi! It's Alec," I struggled.
"Alec, it's 3 am go to sleep"
I sighed as the line went dead. A tap on my window made me jump. Who would come see me at this time of night? Ever since I lost my memories, I had no idea who were my siblings, friends, family, and lover if I even had one. The only persons name I remembered was Eric D'Matthews. The tapping only got louder so I grabbed my seraph blade before unlocking my window. A man jumped in smiling at me. "You're alive! Don't get me worried like that, Alexander!" The man exclaimed closing the window with a flick of his wrist. "Who are you?" I asked coldly.
"It's me, Alexander..."
"Look. I don't know how you know my name but I don't know you so please leave"
"I'm your husband!"
"I don't have a husband. I'm not even gay!"
The man stared at me sadly. "It's me, Magnus. Don't you remember?" The man, Magnus apparently, asked. "I don't know any Magnus," I answered.
"Alexander, please try to remember"
"Please just leave! I try to remember but I can't!"

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