Never Trust Vampires (Specifically Females)

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Jace's POV
"What?" I asked glancing at Isabelle. Isabelle sighed before speaking. "Your parabatai is heartbroken because of a certain death eater vampire and a certain glittery warlock," She scowled.
I sighed as Alec walked in and sat on the closest couch. "Unbelievable," he muttered. Isabelle and I looked at each other in confusion before Catarina walked in furiously. "Um?" She asked looking at us. "Is Magnus with you?" I asked.
"After all this time? Always"
"Did you just quote Harry Potter?"
"What? No! I solemnly swear I'm up to good"
Alec laughed making Isabelle and I jump in surprise. Since his breakup with Magnus, he barely smiles nor laughs a lot. "Which downworlder is the most untrustworthy?" Isabelle asked suddenly. "Never trust vampires," I answered. "Specifically females," Catarina replied. Before I could say anything else, the door swung open to allow Magnus entrance. "What about vampires?" He asked curiously sitting on a bench. "That they're the most untrustworthy," I answered glancing at Alec who muttered something loud enough for only me to hear. It sounded like 'vampires shouldn't ask personal questions then lie to ruin someone's life'. "Only females," I accidentally said out loud. "What?" Alec asked sarcastically.
"Nothing! You were only supposed to hear that, I swear!"
"Then don't say it aloud, Jace!"
"I'm sorry! But it's true!"
Isabelle laughed making Alec glare at her. "What? Lily Chen is coming to the Institute," she spoke. "Isn't she the new leader of the vampires?" Alec asked in shock.
"Yeah. And Jace, if you tell her she's untrustworthy, you'll most likely be dead"
"Okay," I answered calmly. Alec laughed making Isabelle glance at her brother. "It's Lily Chen. She's actually one of the nicest vampires you've ever meet," Alec explained. "And you know that how?" I asked surprised.
"She helped me release Jacob from his cell. Unlike someone who decided to ask personal questions and distracted me from finishing my mission"
Isabelle scowled knowing the consequences of this certain death eater vampire. Funny how Alec couldn't trust Camille but Magnus could. He didn't even allow Alec to explain! Alec noticed this and spoke as if he planned it. "Jace, it wasn't your problem," he spoke. A knock on the door made all of us jump but stopped when we saw Lily. "Just so you know, Jacob is free," she announced glancing at Alec. "I told them," Alec replied.
"I have a serious question for you, Alec"
"What is it?"
"Do you want the video of the certain night?"
My eyes widened as Alec thought about it.

Alec's POV
"No," I replied. "What?!" Jace scowled. Isabelle looked shocked while covering her mouth with her hand. "Why not?" Lily asked in confusion. I knew what would happen if the video got out but it wouldn't be the same. I trusted Magnus to allow me to explain that night but he was so angry, he couldn't. I didn't blame him, I would do the same. "Because it's complicated," I answered. "What's complicated about the freaking truth?!" Jace snapped. "I'm so confused here, what night and what truth?" Catarina asked curiously. Before I could say anything else, my phone rang causing me to answer. "Hello, Alec speaking," I spoke. "Alec Lightwood, would you do the honor and accept the role of the head of the Institute?" The voice asked.
"I'd be honored, thank you"
"Congratulations, you deserve it. Your boyfriend will be your assistant if you want him to be, that is"
"I think I'm fine. I'd like to have Jace as my assistant instead"
"That's fine. Once again, congratulations"
"Thank you"
Jace stared at me curiously. "What just happened?" He asked. "I'mthenewheadoftheInstitute," I muttered quickly.
"English please"
Isabelle laughed. "Congratulations!" She screamed. "How did you hear what he said?!" Jace asked.
"Because I know Alec better"
"Not fair, Isabelle!"
Catarina laughed glancing at Magnus who was just on his phone the entire time. "What, Catarina?" He scowled. "Nothing!" Catarina yelled.
"Then stop looking at me like that"
Jace laughed making both of them glare at him. "What, Jonathan?" Magnus asked. "It's just you and Catarina are one of the cutest friendships I've ever seen," Jace answered making me laugh.
"I suppose you agree with him, Alexander?"
"You know me too well, Magnus," I answered surprised that he actually talked to me. "Anyway, can you tell me what you said excluding Isabelle who actually heard you?" Jace asked interrupting us.
"I'm the new head of the Institute"
"What?! That's amazing! Wait, I'm your assistant, right?"
"You were literally my only choice right now so yes"
"You deserve it, Alec!" Catarina squealed and I swear I saw Magnus smile like he was happy for me. Jace must've noticed as well because he said, "Magnus, you of all people is happy for Alec?". "I'm surprised myself, Jace," I spoke. "Are you saying I can't be happy?" Magnus scowled glaring at Jace.
"We're not saying that!"
"Sure you aren't, Alexander"
"I'm not the one lying here! I'm only surprised because you don't even care anymore"

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