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Alec's POV
"Magnus!" I yelled through the doors of our apartment. No answer. "Mags, where are you?!" I asked before turning on the lights. What I saw horrified me. There was a lot of blood leading to our bedroom. Panicking, I followed the blood opening the door to see Magnus on the floor with many stab wounds in his chest and eyes closed. I ran to him and started shaking him forcing his eyes to open and look at me. "Alec," he whispered. "What happened?" I cried.
"Sebastian. Call Catarina quickly"
I nodded grabbing his phone and called his warlock friend which she came in less than two seconds after the phone call. She started using her magic to try to heal the wounds which weren't working. "I can't," Catarina cried. "Mags, I love you," I whispered while crying. "I love you too," Magnus whispered before kissing me one last time. I moved closer to Catarina who allowed me to cry on her shoulder. I would never forget my first relationship.

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