It's Too Late

168 8 4

Alec's POV
I sighed glancing at my desk in my bedroom when I heard my phone buzz making me jump. Who would be texting me at 5 in the morning anyways?! Cautiously, I grabbed my phone reading the text and not bothering to read the name.

From: person

I want to show you something...

To: person

Wrong number??

From: person

Alec? What?

To: person

Who are you?!

From: person

You're only reading the texts, aren't you? Why don't you read the name sweetheart?

To: person

How did you?

From: person

Know? Sweetheart, you're texting a warlock

To: person

Male or female? Because the name is literally not showing....

From: person


To: female warlock

Any descriptions?

From: female warlock

You have three names to choose from

To: female warlock

Are you really a female or are you messing with me?

From: female warlock

Don't you trust me?

To: female warlock

I'm not sure...

From: female warlock

You actually know me

To: female warlock

Catarina? Tessa?

From: female warlock

Hmm.... you know me really well

To: female warlock

Who is this?!

From: female warlock

I knew your ex really well too

To: female warlock


From: female warlock


To: female warlock

Then I have no idea...

"Alec!" Jace yelled running to me closing the door behind him. "What?!" I yelled.
"A random warlock is texting me!"
"Same here..."

From: female warlock

Want to know my name? Then stop texting me, sweetheart

To: female warlock

Seriously, who are you?! And why should I stop texting you?

From: female warlock

Because I'm at the front door

To: female warlock

Just give me your name...

From: female warlock

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