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Alec's POV
People were staring as I walked by. I sighed slowly opening my locker getting my books for my next class until I was shoved against my own locker. "You broke Magnus's heart, you will regret it. And if you ever tell anyone you're being bullied, I'll kill your beloved sister!" Taylor, a werewolf of Magnus's "gang", yelled before kicking me in the leg and walking off. Great. I just made a new enemy right after Magnus broke up with me. Good job, Alec, I thought. "Alec, if you keep standing there, you're going to be late to Creative Writing!" Izzy yelled smirking as she ran up to me. "Can I just skip it?" I asked knowing I'd see my ex and Taylor.
"Alec, you can't avoid him"
"I know. It's just people are going to stare at me and I don't know if I can deal with it right now"
"Well, you're going to have to"
I sighed before walking to class with Izzy.

Jace's POV
I walked in Creative Writing with Clary and everyone went quiet staring at her. "You're dating Clary?" Taylor asked, smirking. Magnus was right next to him and started laughing causing everyone else to follow. "Yes, Clary and I are dating. Problem?" I asked.
"I'm just surprised, chill"
"Jace! Congratulations, you got everyone quiet!" Izzy snickered behind me with Alec behind her. "Apparently, they're not okay with me dating Clary, Iz," I replied shaking my head. "I never said that," Taylor announced.
"You made it sound like a big deal!"
"Jace, just let it go!" Clary yelled. "Listen to your girlfriend, Jacey," Taylor said. "Only Alec gets to call me Jacey!" I shouted glaring at Alec. "What? I didn't tell him," Alec said.
"Sure you didn't"
"Are you sure, Alec? Because I remember you telling Taylor," Magnus smirked. "You just broke up with me and now you're spreading lies about me? That's just sad," Alec responded.
"You're the one who decided to break my heart!"
"You're the one who didn't let me explain!"
"Oh? Now you're spreading lies about me. That's typical for a shadowhunter who loved me like a lost puppy!"
The whole room started laughing making Alec gasp. "Maybe I should have never loved you! I risked everything for you!" Alec snapped. Magnus smirked walking up to Alec and grabbed him by the shirt. "You're pathetic to believe you ever loved me," Magnus hissed before punching Alec in the stomach letting go causing Alec to fall on his knees and clutched his sides. Taylor laughed making everyone laugh with him. "He's too weak to even fight," a girls voice whispered as Magnus was kicking Alec in the ribs. "I never loved you. How pathetic to believe me," Magnus smiled before punching Alec in the face twice. "Stop it!" I yelled. Magnus turned to face me but didn't move using his magic to burn me. I screamed as Alec and Magnus both disappeared.

Alec's POV
My hands were tied and Magnus smiled as he stood in front of me. "Are you seriously torturing me just because I told the truth?! You're popular, I'm sure your followers won't even care!" I hissed. "Oh, Alexander, you should've never said anything," Magnus growled using his magic to burn my bare chest making me scream.
"Did you really never love me?"
"Then why lie?! Why make everyone laugh at me?! Why torture me?!"
"I only did it for my popularity"
"Being popular isn't important, you know? You're selfish if all you care about is your status"
Magnus smiled before laying his hand on my chin forcing me to look at him. "You're the one who is selfish, you chose to try and take away my immortality," Magnus hissed slapping me. "I didn't!" I screamed.
"Why don't you stop telling lies, sweetheart?"
"I'm not lying! Camille lied to you! I told her no!"
Magnus slapped me harder than before. "Move on! We're never getting back together!" Magnus growled. I remained quiet and looked down before I was kicked in the face. "You're over, Alec!" Magnus snapped kicking me in the face a second time causing me to go unconscious.

Izzy's POV
"Where did Magnus take Alec?!" I screamed. Jace was on his phone trying to reach anyone who would know where Magnus was hidden but no luck. Jace sighed and slammed his phone on the table. "I don't know, Iz! I'm worried," Jace responded.
"So am I. I've never seen Magnus so violent before. He's not like that"
"I know, Iz. It's like he changed to a complete different person"
I sighed before calling Alec but of course he didn't answer his phone. Magnus must've taken it or made it go dead.

Alec's POV
"Good morning, Alec," a voice said waking me up and instantly recognized who it was. "Taylor," I croaked. Taylor smiled gently.
"Nice to know you remember me"
"Stop acting so nice. What do you want with me?"
"I'm not going to hurt you if that's what you're thinking, Magnus will take care of that. I want your sister"
"Magnus would never hurt anyone! And what do you want with Izzy?"
"Magnus beat you, if I wasn't mistaken? He's under my spell. I just want Izzy to be mine"
"How dare you! Izzy's in a relationship!"
"Then it's your job to break them up. You won't leave here until I get her. I'm sure Magnus would love to keep you company"
I gasped as my head started to spin. Taylor noticed and smirked before getting up returning with Magnus. Magnus rushed to my side healing my injuries. "We need you alive, Alec," Taylor spat before walking out of the room. "Help me," I whispered. Magnus remained quiet healing my injuries. I was begging for help, hoping the spell would wear off anytime soon. Then again Taylor probably has cast the spell to last until he gets Izzy. Magnus untied my hands and offered his hand. I faltered but finally took his hand and he pulled me up.

Magnus's POV
"I'm not going to hurt you if you promise to cooperate," I said glaring at Alec. "How can I trust you?" Alec asked looking away from me.
"Alexander, you must know I have orders to punish you if required. Don't make this difficult for yourself. The more you cooperate, the less torture you receive"
"You actually believe Taylor? Magnus, he can order you to torture me anytime he thinks it's necessary!"
Alec stared at me like I was going insane. I put my hand up and he backed up afraid that I was going to hit him. "Come here," I demanded knowing I'd dig my hands in his back like I was ordered to. Alec faltered before slowly coming up to me making me impatient. When he was close, I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him in my grasp tightly before digging my hands in his back making Alec scream. Taylor entered after he heard the screams and smirked before kicking Alec's back making the scream worse. "Enough, Magnus," Taylor announced and I dropped Alec harshly on the floor. Alec screamed before a cloth went in his mouth gagging him. "Well, well, this is going to be such fun," Taylor smiled kicking Alec's chest.

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