Too Far Gone

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Alec's POV
I ran and eventually fell in an abandoned alleyway. The rain was coming down making me shiver. I hoped no one would find me here as I didn't want to be found. Then someone punched me making me fall unconscious.

Jace's POV
"Alec?!" I yelled looking for my parabatai but was nowhere to be found. "Jace, what is it?" Clary asked.
"Alec's missing"

Alec's POV
I woke up unexpectedly looking around my surroundings. All I remembered was getting punched, now I was alone in a bedroom. To be honest, I was scared. Something scratched at the door making me yelp. I walked over to the door and opened it to reveal a cat making me move back slowly before I was attacked and pinned to the floor forcing me to close my eyes. Another figure appeared in the room as I heard the footsteps starting to kick me. "Jason!" A male voice yelled. "What?! I was just getting started!" Jason yelled.
"I'm the only one who can beat him. We talked about this!"
"But Magnus-"
"You can leave his side now. I'll finish what you started, just tell me when to stop"
Jason smirked leaving my side and I started getting kicked again, this time by Magnus. "You're mine, Alexander," Magnus hissed kicking my stomach.

Few hours later

Magnus's POV
I sighed taking Alec's hand in mine. It would be a while until he would wake up again. After a few minutes, I could feel Alec starting to stir as his eyes fluttered open and stared right in mind. "Magnus?" Alec whispered. "You okay? It looked like you were having a bad dream," I whispered before kissing his hand.
"It was all a dream? You never hurt me?"
"No, it wasn't a dream! And yes, you never got hurt. That was your imagination"
"Why am I here?"
"I found you unconscious. It's not a good idea to go in the open like that, what were you thinking?"
"I had to, to be honest. My life is literally being ruined. I'm engaged and I absolutely hate it"
"Then call it off!"
"I can't! It's an arranged marriage!"
"Surely it's not that bad"
"I'm engaged to a girl"
"Then never mind"
"I was running away"
I looked at him in shock. Knowing Alec, he would never run away from home unless he absolutely had to. "You have others worried about you. You have to go back... to the Institute," I spoke. "I can't go back, I won't," Alec argued.
"Where will you go?!?"
"I know someone"
"Don't run away, it's not worth it"
"I don't know what else to do, Magnus!"
"If it's because of your arranged marriage, it's not worth running away"
"I don't want to marry!"
"I get it, you're too young and marrying a girl"
"Not to mention the fact that I'm half warlock"
"What? How-"
"It had something to do with our relationship"
"That's merely impossible!"
Alec just looked at me in confusion. "Why? Because this is the first time it's happened?" Alec asked. "No warlock has ever changed someone into a half warlock except for Eric D'Matthews but that's a different story," I explained.
"You know Eric?"
"Why do you know him? No shadowhunter shouldn't, it's dangerous to be friends with him"
"One, I only met Eric once. And two, my mother knew him before he was found guilty"
I couldn't speak my words as if someone took my voice. "If Eric's the one you're going to stay with, I'm not going to allow you to run away," I whispered. "Eric's the closest to go to and I need to run away," Alec argued.
"Then you will"
"But you just said-"
"Stay here"
Alec looked down and couldn't speak. "Why?" Alec asked suddenly. "It's better than going to Eric's," I explained.
"Magnus, you just broke up with me"
"I don't care. Stay here if you're going to run away"
"Thank you"
I smiled gently before kissing his hand that I almost forgot I was holding. "You're welcome," I whispered. "I don't want to be found," Alec whispered.
"Then we'll leave New York. How does Paris sound?"
"Paris sounds wonderful"

A/N: If there's anyone confused about Alec getting hurt more, Alec was hallucinating due to the punch. I hope that helps!

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