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Alec's POV
I ran from the Institute to a place I knew would be my destruction. No one could know I was depressed, they would only worry more and I didn't want that to happen. I ignored the people staring at me since I forgot to put glamour. The bar was in my sight forcing me to enter. "What can I get you?" The bartender asked. "Anything strong," I replied.
"I'm not sure if that-"
"Anything. Strong."
The bartender gulped before following my requests. "Are you alright, sir?" A random person asked. "I'm fine," I lied.
"No, you're not. You're Alexander Lightwood, right?"
"Um, yes. Who wants to know?"
"Katie Cellius, werewolf. It's just you were very brave to come out"
"I was literally terrified actually"
"I'm actually lesbian and I would never have done that"
I laughed while shaking my head. "I believe you would," I explained. Then the bar randomly got quiet. I looked at the doorway and froze returning to the girl's attention. "Magnus Bane, what a pleasure to have you here," said Mercedes, a werewolf. "Why thank you. I believe you have a shadowhunter here and I wish to speak to him. Alone," Magnus replied. Katie looked at me and I shook my head in confusion. How did Magnus know I was here? Then I was pulled by the wrist going wherever the warlock was going.

Magnus's POV
"Sit," I hissed removing my grip from my ex and pushed him forward towards the couch gently. "How did you know where I was?" Alec snapped while sitting down.
"Alexander, I know you too well. You think I don't know what's happening right now?"
Alec remained quiet forcing himself to look away. "You know nothing!" Alec spat. "You're depressed, aren't you?" I asked.
Before I could speak, Alec ran out of the apartment forcing me to follow him. "ALEXANDER!" I screamed. He kept running so I had no choice but use my magic. He fainted on the ground making me pick him up and carried him back to the apartment. I sighed laying him on my bed tying his hands to the sides gently and his waist to the center. With a snap of my fingers, a warm cloth appeared on his forehead and pajamas on his body. Before leaving the room, I wrote him a note explaining the situation and locked the door behind me as I walked myself to the couch allowing sleep to overcome me.

Alec's POV
I woke up with a start and tried to move but somehow I couldn't. I turned my head to see ropes tied on my body and I screamed. The door opened to reveal my ex. "What the hell, Magnus?! Let me go!" I hissed. "I'm sorry but I cannot do that," Magnus answered.
"And why the hell not?!"
"Because you lied to me about your depression!   Alexander, you don't lie to anyone about that, you hear me?! And since you haven't told your family, I'm forced to be the one to take care of you!"
"I don't need anyone to take care of me!"

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