New Boyfriend Or Go Back To Magnus?

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Alec's POV
Text after text. Austin Clark. Magnus staying at the Institute for three years or more. I was not expecting to make the biggest decision of my life. I was not expecting Magnus to finally text me back saying the words I didn't believe at first, I want to get back together. I would never know if I made the right decision or not. Either way, someone gets hurt. Now here I was between Magnus and Austin pressuring me to make my decision.

Two days earlier
Maryse's POV
"Magnus, you're finally here!" I yelled. The warlock just stared at me before allowing him to come in. "I'm sorry I'm late since you called me at the last minute," Magnus explained giving a light smile.
"Yeah, sorry about that"
"No, no, it's fine. Where is everyone?"
"Is it okay if I watch them?"
"Of course!"

Magnus's POV
The walk to the training room took longer than usual. Opening the door, I was almost hit by a throwing dagger. "Are you okay?! I didn't hear the door open!" A boy yelled. "It's fine, really," I replied.
"You're Magnus Bane, right?"
I nodded. "I'm sorry but have we met?" I asked. The boy laughed. "No, I'm just staying at the New York Institute for a couple of days. I'm Sam," the boy, Sam apparently, replied. "Sam! Are you-" Alec started, stopping when he noticed me. I stared at him for a while not daring to look away. "Magnus, stop staring at me!" Alec snapped forcing me to look away. "I-I," I started not being able to say the words. Stop stuttering! You broke up with him! I thought. Alec remained quiet before walking off to the other room. I sighed and followed. After all, I am here to watch them train.

Alec's POV
I sat down next to Izzy who was bored out of her mind. We were taking turns training and Jace was taking too long. I glared at Magnus, who followed me, but went back to the back of the room, sighing as he watched Jace and stared at me once in a while. Then my phone beeped. Sighing in frustration, I opened the phone smiling at the text. Izzy glared at me smirking. "What made you so happy?" Izzy asked. "Oh, nothing you need to worry about," I lied.
"Fine. I may or may not be falling in love with someone and he may or may not have asked me out through text just right now"
"Oh my god! Good news then!"
"Izzy, shut up!"
"It's just nice to see you happy again"
I sighed glancing back at Magnus who took my picture immediately after turning and I gave him a death glare forcing him to come next to us. "What?" Magnus asked, innocently. "What the hell, Magnus?!" I snapped.
"You freaking took my picture!"
"And? I can't take pictures of my beautiful ex?"
"No! Delete it now!"
"You can't force me, Alexander"
Izzy just glared at us as if she wanted us to be quiet. Then my phone beeped breaking the talk. Quickly, I read the text once again smiling.

I'll be at the Institute in a hour. Hope your answer is yes 😉


"Who's Austin?" Izzy smirked while reading my text. "By the angel, Izzy, don't read my texts!" I snapped. Magnus raised his eyebrows before taking my phone. "Give me my phone back, Magnus!" I hissed, hoping he didn't read it. "No, it's distracting you from training. You'll get it back after the end of your time," Magnus replied, shaking his head.
"What the hell, Magnus?! Izzy has hers and I don't see it being taken away!"
"Don't be difficult, Alexander!"
I froze and ran, grabbing my phone, to my bedroom and hoped Magnus wouldn't follow me but of course he had to. I could hear him screaming my name forcing me to close the door to my bedroom and locked it. "Alexander!" Magnus yelled trying to open the door, but failing. "Go away, Magnus!" I screamed.
"No! Open this door or I'll force it down!"
All of a sudden, the door fell to the ground revealing a very frustrated Magnus. "I warned you!" Magnus hissed sitting on the edge of the bed. I gave him a glare and looked out the window. "What? Is there something so interesting outside that you just have to watch?" Magnus smirked. I rolled my eyes before I had the courage to speak. "I'm watching for someone," I answered.
"An old friend or family?"
"Sure. Let's leave it at that"
Magnus raised his eyebrows looking at me suspiciously but then again I was probably imagining it. He broke up with you and made it perfectly clear he doesn't want anything to do with you, I thought. "Shadowhunter?" Magnus asked, breaking the awkward silence. "Half werewolf half shadowhunter," I replied.
"I don't even know how I met him, he doesn't even live in New York. Besides, I have-" I stopped myself looking down with a worried expression. You just almost told him you became depressed after the breakup, I thought. "You have what?" Magnus asked, curiously. "Nothing," I answered.
"Alexander, are you hiding something from me?"
Magnus sighed in frustration walking out and slamming the door behind him. Why was he so angry? I thought as my phone beeped. I sighed grabbing it and read the text. I froze when I saw who it was from.

I want to get back together


I had to reread it to make sure I read it right and sure enough I did. Then my phone beeped again.

I'm going to be late. Dinner?


Shaking, I dropped my phone and laid down allowing sleep to overcome me.

"Alec!" Jace yelled forcing me to wake up. "What time is it?" I asked.
"5. Get up and get dressed, Magnus's taking us to dinner. Oh and he picked out your outfit"
I sighed looking at my bed and sure enough there was a black suit with a light blue bow tie. I rolled my eyes before getting dressed in my outfit.

"So you're Austin?" Magnus asked. "Yes, sir," Austin answered. "Austin! You're here!" I said as I walked in the room. "Alec, how are you? Will you ever answer my question?" Austin asked.
"Um, eventually?"
"Great! A text is just a second away and an answer if you beg"
To be honest, my mind was going insane right now. Austin asked me out and Magnus wants to get back together. Why was this so difficult?


"Austin, you're nice to date," Izzy joked glancing at me. I could barely eat since this was such a hard decision but I still ate to hide my stress. Then my stress got worse. "Yes, yes, I am. I asked Alec out and am still waiting for a reply," Austin answered. "Yeah, I'll get back to you on that," I answered.
"I hope so. I really like you Alec and I hope you say yes"
I forced a smile to hide the fact I was terrified and about to cry. "Good luck," Magnus muttered. Why did Austin have to do that?!


Now here I was between Magnus and Austin pressuring me to make my decision. "Alec!" Austin snapped, bringing me back to reality. "I need to be alone," I muttered.
"No time to be alone right now! You have to choose!"
"I need more time!"
Magnus remained quiet before pulling Austin out of my room with him closing the door behind him. After a few hours, I finally made my decision. I walked to the door and opened it making Austin and Magnus turn to face me. "I made my decision," I said.

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