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Alec's POV
"Torture room, go," Gabriel growled making me run. "Gabriel-" I started before falling on my stomach. Gabriel laughed before kicking me so hard that I fell unconscious.

Time skip

Alec's POV
My eyes fluttered open to reveal I was in the torture room with Gabriel in front of me smiling. Everything he did to me hurt me in several ways. He laughed as he punched, kicked, slapped, and slammed me as long as he pleased. Today was the worst beating I've ever received as I fell unconscious again.

Time skip due to Alec's fear of spiders

Alec's POV
My hands were tied as well as my ankles and stomach when my eyes fluttered open a second time. I could hear Gabriel smirking before he pounced punching me several times as his legs were kicking my ankles. "Bad Alec," Gabriel whispered untying me and slammed me against the headboard of the bed I was laying on. He smiled before punching my chest several times and flipped me over so I was laying on my stomach. I groaned in pain as his leg was stomping on my back with his hand punching the back of my head. I was thrown on the floor feeling hard kicks on my sides. My eyes fluttered open just in time to see Gabriel being thrown across the wall from someone who picked me up as I fell unconscious a third time.

A few hours later...

Magnus's POV
"Alec," I whispered stroking my hand gently on his cheek as his eyes fluttered open. "What happened?" He asked.
"You were beaten"
Alec sighed as I pulled him in my arms allowing him to sob on my shoulder.

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