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Alec's POV
What's love without risk? Apparently nothing as I was being laughed at for breaking the high warlocks heart before running into him literally. "Watch where you're going, freak," spat Magnus making everyone else laugh. "Why don't you stop being in my way?" I hissed. Magnus laughed grabbing me by my shirt and slammed me to the wall. "Stop acting all confident, loser," Magnus growled before punching me hard. The others cheered for the fight since I was the one getting embarrassment. I was slammed harshly on the floor getting kicked in the face. "You're weak," spat Magnus while stomping on my stomach. I was bleeding badly probably by now but that didn't stop Magnus from continuing. Izzy was using her whip striking me in the face while Clary, Simon, and Jace were kicking my sides leaving Magnus to do the punching. They didn't care if they were beating me to death nor if I was wincing in pain. Magnus snapped his fingers and I disappeared with him. The last thing I remembered was falling unconscious on a cold floor.

Few hours later

Magnus's POV
I smiled at Alec who was chained up and had bruises all over his body. With a snap of my fingers, Alec was shirtless and the temperature was colder. I walked over and started kicking him awake. "Alexander, wake up!" I yelled using my magic to choke him which made him wake with a start. "What?!" Alec screamed making me smile. He tried to squirm away from me making me step on his bare chest hard. "I wouldn't do that," I growled. "I hate you!" Alec screamed. I smiled as I stomped on his chest with my other foot kicking him. I loved that Alec was wincing in pain encouraging me to continue.

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