12 Years Later....

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**Possible Trigger Warning**

Alec's POV
What's worse than a broken heart? An abusive relationship that you can't get out of just because you were threatened. I sighed glancing at my phone having the urge to almost text my ex who would absolutely risk his own life just to make sure you were safe but didn't. To be honest, the Institute didn't feel like a home anymore due to having been forced to stay here until the head of the Institute left or died and I was certain Gabriel Michaels wasn't planning on doing either anytime soon. My phone buzzed making me jump.

From: Jace

We can't pick you up, so sorry

To: Jace

This can't be happening....

From: Isabelle

Magnus is literally going to visit the Institute in like 30 minutes and will be staying for 9 years

To: Isabelle


From: Gabriel

Hi sweet pea, beating tonight at 8 ;)

To: Gabriel


From: Mags 😘

It's been twelve years... how are you?

To: Mags 😘

Now you're texting me?! Terrified....

From: Mags 😘

Yeah, yeah I finally have the courage to talk to you. Honestly, I've only been ignoring you because I literally have no idea what to say to an ex... ironic, right? Why are you terrified exactly?

To: Mags 😘

It's complicated.... let's just say I can't get out of a very terrible relationship....

Mags 😘 is typing....

To: Mags 😘


From: Mags 😘

Same room?

To: Mags 😘

Uh... yeah but what does that have to do with anything?

From: Mags 😘

Unlock your window, darling

To: Mags 😘


I jumped when I heard a knock on the door causing me to actually unlock it before being pushed to the ground. "What the-" I screamed before a hand covered my mouth. "Shh," Magnus whispered.
Magnus glared at me with his cat-like eyes making me go silent. The last thing I remembered was disappearing in thin ear before sleep overtook me.

Magnus's POV
"Alexander, wake up," I whispered in his ear. Alec jumped awake and tried to move but couldn't because of the restraints. "Magnus?" He whispered in confusion.
"Sorry about the restraints. I just had to make sure you wouldn't hurt yourself even more"
I smiled sadly before snapping my fingers making the restraints disappear. "What exactly happened?" Alec asked sitting up. "You didn't notice the marks all over you? Your boyfriend found us and beat you almost to the death before I had to use my magic to kill him in self defense of course," I answered.
"So it's over?"
"It's over, Alexander"
Alec sighed before hiding his face in his knees. I looked at him sadly before wrapping my arms around him bringing him closer to me. "Thank you," Alec repeated over and over as I rubbed his back for comfort.

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