Can't Hold A Grudge Forever

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Alec's POV
"Ethan!" I yelled glancing at the young warlock who decided to mess up on purpose. Jace sighed and glared at Magnus who was helping some downworlder. "Jonathan," Magnus growled. "Do you call everyone by their full name?" Jace hissed.
"Why, I certainly do not! And shouldn't you be paying attention to young Ethan who can't even do a spell correctly? No offense, Ethan"
"We wouldn't be using Ethan if someone like yourself would actually help out. But no, you won't help just because you hate Alec now. How immature of you"
"Alexander shouldn't have betrayed me then!"
"Move on, Magnus! You can't hold a grudge forever just because of one mistake!" I hissed. "One mistake?! Alexander, you didn't make one mistake, you should know that!" Magnus growled.
"Grow up, Magnus! I risked everything for you! Now I know I regret loving you!"
"So do I!"
"I should have never fell in love with you! In fact, I wish we never met!"

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