I Lo-lo-lo-love You, At Least I Think I Do

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Alec's POV
I fell to my knees as tears started falling and just waited for the next punch or kick from my tormenter. Sebastian smirked kicking me in the face five times and slammed me on the ground so I was laying on my stomach. He pounced on me and punched the back of my head a few times before raping me. I screamed as he went inside me forcing me to spill on him. Sebastian laughed as he started a second round ignoring my screams of pain. He continued doing this until a result of twenty five rounds. "No one loves you," Sebastian spat slapping me before leaving. I cried lifting myself up and ran to the only person who I knew would comfort me.

Magnus's POV
"I'm coming, give me a minute!" I screamed opening the door to reveal Alexander. I just glared at him. "What?" Alec asked.
"What happened? Are you okay? You're not hurt? Do you need anything? Do you need-"
"Calm down. And no, I'm not fine. I actually came here for comfort. You see, Sebastian, he-"
I quickly pulled Alec inside wrapping my arms around his waist and holding him close. "You don't need to say it," I whispered. "I couldn't defend myself! He wouldn't stop," Alec cried.
"It's over now, Alexander. I'm here, I'll protect you"
"He told me nobody loved me and I know it's true. I-"
"Listen to me, Alec. You are loved"
"No, I'm not! You can stop lying now!"
I growled and pushed him away from me. "Get out!" I yelled. "Did I do something?!" Alec struggled. I slapped him.
"Get out NOW, you stupid nephilim!"
I gasped and punched him hard making him fall on his back. "I'm going to kill you, you stupid nephilim!" I hissed snapping my fingers and Alec was in handcuffs and tied to the floor. "Don't do this!" Alec cried.
"No one will miss you"
"You told me I was loved!"
I smiled as I kicked his leg. "I lied," I growled before grabbing my blade and putting it close to Alec's chest. "I'll do anything! Please!" Alec cried.
"Goodbye, Alexander"
Alec gasped. I smiled before piercing my blade through Alec's chest three times to make sure he would actually die. I laughed as Alec took his last breath.

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