Trapped Inside

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A/N: what I wish will happen in 2X12

Alec's POV
"Magnus?" I asked slowly walking up to him. I hoped that he was the real Magnus. "Alexander," he whispered making me stop.
"Are you-"
"Disgusting warlock," Valentine laughed looking right at Magnus. Yep, it was the real Magnus so I ran to him and smothered him with kisses as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer moving one of his hands to my hair and played with it.

Several hours earlier....

Valentine's POV
I was trapped in a cell and hoped anyone would allow me to escape. That is if they believed me. "Valentine," a familiar voice spoke making me turn around to face my lover. "Alexander," I replied smiling gently only making Alec confused.
"Only my boyfriend gets to call me that"
"I am your boyfriend, just trapped in Valentine's body"
Alec laughed. "Nice try, Valentine," he spoke. "You have to believe me!" I yelled fighting back tears.
"Magnus is currently home"
"That's not me! It's Valentine!"
Alec sighed before leaving. "No ones going to believe it," he spoke as he walked out.

Magnus's POV
"Filthy warlock," I smirked until I heard a knock on my door. "Magnus, it's Clary," the girl said. I sighed before opening the door to reveal my daughter. "Clarissa," I spoke smiling.
"Biscuit, you mean"
"I'm sorry?"
"You call me Biscuit as far as I know"
Damn it! I know nothing about this stupid warlock and yet here I am trapped in his body. I seriously had to find Azazel and return back but of course I don't bargain with demons. "Magnus?" Clary asked, concerned. "I um want you to leave," I hissed. Clary jumped but left anyways.

Alec's POV
"Alec, Valentine likes to mess with people. Don't believe a word he says," Jace warned. "Yeah, but it could possibly be true," I argued.
"He's not Magnus!"
"It's not impossible, Jace!"
Jace just glared at me before sighing. "There's a way to know if he's lying," he sighed. "Let's do it then!" I spoke.
"Not so fast. We need to make sure Valentine will get executed and we will stop the ceremony"

Time skip

Valentine's POV
"You will be executed," the Inquistor spoke. I stared at Alec who looked like he wanted to stand up for me but didn't. Maybe he just didn't believe me. After some time, we got alone. I was pushed against the wall by Alec making me a little surprised. "You're finished with these mind games," he spoke staring at me. "Please, Alec believe me," I whispered.
"I have no idea if you're lying or telling the truth but I will find out before the ceremony"
"Thank you"

Time skip

Alec's POV
I sighed glancing at Jace who was pacing the room until he saw Valentine or Magnus. My god, it was kinda confusing but still I had to do the plan anyways. When the Inquistor wasn't looking, I grabbed Valentine and dragged him to Magnus's apartment.

Time skip due to Jace's fear of ducks

Magnus's POV
I sighed opening the door to see Valentine, Alec, Jace, and Dot. "What's going on?" I asked in the best Magnus voice. "Sit," Dot demanded forcing me to sit down next to Valentine. "We have questions to ask you. First for Magnus, what do you call Clary?" Jace spoke. "Clarissa," I answered.
"And Valentine?"
"Biscuit," Valentine replied. "Magnus, who are you dating?" Clary asked. Easy. "No one," I answered.
"And Valentine?"
"Alexander Lightwood," Valentine spoke. Dot chanted a spell making Magnus and Valentine fall to the ground.


Magnus's POV
My eyes fluttered open as I stood up. Immediately after Valentine did the same.

Alec's POV
"Magnus?" I asked slowly walking up to him. I hoped that he was the real Magnus. "Alexander," he whispered making me stop.
"Are you-"
"Disgusting warlock," Valentine laughed looking right at Magnus. Yep, it was the real Magnus so I ran up to him and smothered him with kisses as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer moving one of his hands to my hair and played with it.

A/N: that was the hardest and most confusing one-shot I've ever written but I had to write it. I hoped you guys get confused as I was while writing the POV. Might add changes after 2X12.

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