Not The Same

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Alec's POV
I don't dare leave my room since I'm afraid to see the one who raped me. My door remains locked and I feel alone. I sigh glancing at my phone until I hear a knock on the door. "Alec?" Maryse asked. "Yes, mom?" I asked.
"Catarina and Magnus are here"
"Dinners almost ready. I want you to eat with us"
"Mom, I-"
"No excuses, Alec"
I sighed as I heard her footsteps walk down the hallway.

Catarina's POV
"So how's everyone?" I asked. "Fine, just fine," Maryse muttered.
"Is everything alright?"
"It's just-"
Maryse got interrupted and watched a guy walk in the kitchen. "Maryse?" Magnus asked, breaking the silence. "Gabriel Michaels, what do you need?" Maryse hissed. "I just need something to eat," Gabriel snapped.
"Then go out!"
"Why do you hate me so much?"
"You know why! You-"
"Mom," Alec sighed. "Alec! I was just-" Maryse started.
"Enough, mother! This isn't your issue"
Gabriel smiled. "And your problem with me is?" He asked.

Alec's POV
"Gabriel, shut it," I snapped. I could feel my heart racing indicating I was terrified. I was talking to my rapist after all but Gabriel pretended like it never happened. I would tell the Clave but Gabriel would just say I wanted it and they would've believed him just because I'm gay. The one thing I wanted to do was run into Magnus's arms and allowed to be comforted but I knew I couldn't do that. Gabriel just looked at me before storming off making me hold on the wall for balance. To be honest, I didn't even know I was feeling dizzy. Maryse looked at me in worry and I just shook my head before walking out all the way to my bedroom. I couldn't even go out in public because I was so terrified. I was afraid to love again thanks to Gabriel who decided to rape me while we were dating making me to not trust anyone. A knock on my door made me go out of my thoughts. "Who is it?" I asked, weakly. "Clary," Clary responded.
"Is Jace with you?"
"Yeah. How are you doing after-"
"I don't want to talk about it"
"Okay, we don't have to. Can we come in?"
I sighed using my magic to open my door. Yes, I'm half warlock. "Alec, we're taking you out," Jace said. "No," I replied.
"Alec, you have to face your fear eventually"
"I already did"
Jace sighed glancing at Catarina. "What?" Catarina asked, acting innocent. I shook my head. "Were you listening?" Jace asked.
"But you're right there"
"She wasn't listening, I was," Magnus admitted. "Of course you were," Jace snapped. Magnus raised his eyebrows in confusion.
"I didn't even know what you were talking about"
"Why are you here?"
"One, that's none of your business. Two, tell me everything"
Jace sighed in defeat before looking at me that said 'I'm sorry for betraying you'. "You might want to sit down, Magnus," Jace sighed. I gave Jace a death stare making him laugh. "I'm sorry!" Jace exclaimed hiding behind Clary. "Jace," I hissed.
"Uh, I ask for your permission?"
"I'll do anything for you?"
Clary chuckled before speaking. "You need to talk about it eventually, Alec. You can't hide it forever," she spoke. "How do you even talk about-" I started, stopping myself. No, being raped should not be told especially if no one would comfort you. But of course I didn't know I was wrong. I sighed before walking back in my room closing it behind me. All I wanted to do was cry but I didn't. No, I couldn't. I couldn't allow Gabriel get the best of me. A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. "Alexander, can I come in?" Magnus asked, cautiously. "I don't know, can you?" I snapped.
"Don't play that with me. I just want to talk, is that such a crime?"
"I don't want to talk to you! Leave me alone!"
"Clary told me everything"
I sighed opening the door with my magic. "You're half warlock?" Magnus asked. "Get to the point," I answered.
"Why would you hide something like this? Alexander, you should've reported it immediately"
"You don't understand! He did it when we were in a relationship. He would've told I wanted it and he would be free"

Magnus's POV
I sighed staring at Alec before pulling him into a hug. "Gabriel is going to pay," I whispered. "You can't promise that, Magnus," Alec cried.
"Maybe but I can protect you"
"Protect me?! Like you promised many years ago then decided to break it?! I don't trust you"
"You don't trust anyone now, do you? You're afraid to love again"
"Every relationship I had hurt me in a way. This was the second worst"
"Second worst? Which was the- never mind, don't answer that"

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