Love Truth Or Dare

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"Magnus!" Jace exclaimed glaring at the laughing warlock. "What?" Magnus asked casually through laughs.
"You cheated!"
"Did not!"
Izzy was trying to contain her laughter but couldn't due to Clary acting all childish towards Simon and Alec. Simon had his head down quietly laughing while Alec was just sitting there supporting his wonderful boyfriend and comforted him as he laughed. "Different game!" Jace yelled making everyone stop doing whatever they were doing. "What game?" Izzy asked giving Clary a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Love truth or dare!"
Magnus gasped and looked really offended. "Bad idea!" He yelled. "Why? Because you'll lose?" Jace smirked.
"No because it's ridiculous"
"Doesn't matter, we're playing"
"Okay, which couple wants to go first?" Magnus asked. "We will!" Clary screamed. Magnus nodded. "Hmm, Simon truth or dare?" Izzy asked. "Truth," Simon answered.
"What would Jace do if he saw a duck?"
"Scream like a little girl yelling 'the demons are out to get us, run for your lives!!!' and then kiss the first person or thing he sees"
Magnus blinked and started laughing. "Seriously, Jace?" Magnus smirked. "Shut up!" Jace complained.
"Never in a million years"
"Clary, truth or dare?" Simon asked. "Hmm dare," Clary answered.
"I dare you to put lipstick on Izzy's lips without using your hands"
"Jace, can you open that pink lipstick for me?"
Jace nodded giving the open lipstick to Clary who got it using her teeth and started applying lipstick on Izzy. When completed, everyone started laughing since she got it everywhere. "Magnus, truth or dare?" Clary asked. "Dare!" Magnus exclaimed.
"I dare you to take off Alec's shirt off without
magic or hands"
Alec blushed a little after Magnus got started. About 20 minutes later, Alec's shirt was off leaving Magnus panting. "Jace, truth or dare?" Magnus asked while pulling Alec onto his lap. "Dare!" Jace yelled.
"I dare you to kiss Simon passionately while attempting to pull his shirt off"

1 hour later....

Everyone except Jace and Simon was laughing so hard as Simon's shirt kept coming down. "I give up!" Jace exclaimed pulling away from Simon. "Strip or kiss?" Magnus asked.
Jace looked around the room before kissing Clary on the lips. "Izzy, truth or dare?" Jace asked. "Hmm, truth," Izzy answered.
"What is Clary's hardest part to love?"
"Her nose"
Clary blushed of embarrassment. "Alec, truth or dare?" Izzy smirked. "Truth," Alec answered.
"Where was the craziest place you and Magnus made love?"
Alec just stared at her while thinking deeply. Magnus smirked and kissed Alec on the lips distracting him. "TheclosetinClary'sroom," Alec muttered making Magnus laugh before whispering something in his ear. Alec blushed. "I'm sorry, what was that?" Izzy asked.
"Under a car in a random mundanes garage where demons were attacking"
Izzy blinked before laughing. "Okay guys! It's now all dares time! The couple who actually does their dare wins! Remember you can chicken out but you'll have to strip," Magnus announced. "Jimon, I dare you to kiss someone in this room saying the first thing that comes to mind. Simon, you may go first," Izzy smirked. Simon took Alec by the shirt and kissed him ignoring the death glare from Magnus. "Cinnamon? I like Star Wars! German lettuce is probably tasteful just like Sparkly! Harry Potter or Hunger Games?" Simon spoke before pulling away. Alec coughed before kissing Magnus passionately trying to remove Simon from his lips. "Mine," Magnus growled glaring at Simon. Jace shook his head before grabbing Izzy and kissed her. "Mangoes! Ducks are demons! I really need Simon to kiss me hard. Alec Gaywood is way too gay and can't keep his hands off his boyfriend!" Jace spoke before pulling away. Alec blushed of embarrassment and hid his face in Magnus's chest. "Clizzy, I dare you to get very passionate," Simon laughed. Clary kissed Izzy so hard to make sure she left a mark before pulling away to allow Izzy to do the same. "Out!" Jace yelled. "Aww," Clizzy sighed. "Malec, I dare you to get sexual," Simon smirked. Immediately, Magnus kissed Alec all over as Alec moved Magnus's shirt up while his other hand was playing in Magnus's pants. Jimon laughed before pulling out of the game. "Last dare or nah?" Jace asked. "Last dare!" Magnus exclaimed.
"I dare you to strip each other"

5 minutes later....

Clary blinked glancing at Magnus and Alec who were butt naked. "How do you do it so fast?!" Clary exclaimed. "Practice, biscuit. Now go before you actually see us doing it," Magnus purred making Alec blush. Everyone else ran out of the apartment as Magnus tied Alec to the couch kissing him down to his member. After all, Malec loved bondage.

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