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Alec's POV
I sighed glancing at my surroundings before entering the restaurant. Honestly, I had no idea why I was here in a downworlder only place and I knew I would get in trouble with someone. "Shadowhunter, why are you here?" A werewolf growled cornering me. "I'm sorry! I just had nowhere else to go," I struggled.
"Leave before you get hurt"
"Are you threatening me, sir?"
The werewolf glared at me. "Sir, I'm only saying you'd be safer next door in the warlock only restaurant," he stated. I sighed as I walked out to enter next door.

Magnus's POV
"No, absolutely not," I argued on the phone while playing with my food. "But sir-" the voice on the other side spoke before hanging up in the middle of his sentence. I sighed glancing up as I heard the door open. "Shadowhunter, aren't you?" A female warlock ask. "I'm just passing through," the shadowhunter spoke making me freeze. Alexander Gideon Lightwood.
"I'm not going to hurt you but if you don't mind me asking, what happened?"
"I was kicked out of the Institute. I've been homeless for about a month now"
The female warlock gasped glaring at me. "Alexander," I spoke frightening him. "Magnus?" Alec asked carefully walking towards me.
"That's my name. By the way, why are you walking so careful? Do you really believe I'd hurt you?"
"It's been almost a year, Magnus"
I sighed and snapped my fingers appearing in the living room of the apartment. "Too long," I smirked. "What-" Alec started.
"You're no longer homeless. You're staying here until I can find you an apartment"
"Thank you"
"You're welcome"

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें