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Magnus's POV
"Come with me, Alexander," I demanded before walking up the stairs in hopes of him following me. When he didn't, I went back grabbing his hand and pulled him upstairs. "Please. I don't like being forced," Alec whispered pulling away from my grip. I frowned looking at my boyfriend. "What's wrong, Alec?" I asked. "This isn't real," Alec answered.
I woke up with a start feeling around my bed but felt coldness.

Alec's POV
I was awake in a spare bedroom because I didn't feel safe in my own bedroom. The door creaked open making me hide in the covers. "Alec, are you okay?" Jace asked slowly walking over to me. I shook my head before tears started to fall. "My bedroom," I croaked and Jace ran to my bedroom letting out a scream probably waking up everyone at the Institute. Then my phone rang and I was too scared to touch it until I heard the familiar voice of my ex. Quickly, I answered but couldn't speak as if my voice was taken. "Alec?" Magnus asked calmly. "T-thanks for calling," I struggled.
"Are you alright?"
"Alec, talk to me!"
"I feel like I lost my voice. I'm too scared to speak"
"Alec, tell me your location and stay there. I'm going to come, okay?"
"The Institute. Spare bedroom on the right of my bedroom"
"Whatever you do, don't leave. Promise me"
"I-I p-promise"
The connection went dead and I propped on my knees trying to stop the shaking.

Magnus's POV
"What are you doing here, Magnus?" Izzy asked. "I came here for Alec," I responded completely out of breath.
"Come in. He's in the spare bedroom on the right of his bedroom"
"I know, he told me"
I ran to the spare bedroom slowly opening the door to reveal a sight that would be hard to forget. "Magnus, you actually came," Alec whispered causing me to run to him to hold him in my arms. "Of course I did," I whispered giving a light smile. Alec started to shake making me hold him tighter. "What happened?" I asked. "Vampires and werewolves are after him," Jace answered through the door. "What did he do?" I asked frowning. "I have no idea but I know one thing, Alec thinks he invaded werewolf territory," Jace answered shaking his head. "I did! Seriously Jace, do you not know me?" Alec snapped. "What did you do?!" Jace yelled. "One, calm down. Two, werewolves attacked me so I kinda invaded their territory possibly getting them in war with the vampires?" Alec explained. "Okay then. Wait, what did you to do to the vampires?" Jace asked curiously. Alec remained quiet for a few seconds. "By the angel, Alec, did you tell a vampire no? You know they don't take no for answers, right?" Jace asked. "Um, maybe?" Alec questioned.
"What?! Yes, I did say no to a vampire who clearly didn't accept and days later she decided to lie"
"She? I like to call all female vampires psychos"
"Yeah. Like I said, I made the mistake of saying no"
Jace remained quiet before laughing. "You literally told a female vampire no resulting in her lying and you're sad about it? What happened when she lied?" Jace asked. Alec stayed quiet not having the courage to speak. "Alec?" I asked. Alec couldn't look at me and started shaking. That's when I realized he was talking about Camille about how she broke us apart. "You never agreed to take away my immortality, did you?" I whispered. "Yes, but I considered saying yes," Alec whispered as the tears fell.

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