First Meeting

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Alec's POV
No one cares for me. I lost my siblings, friends, and parents when I came out as gay. I get bullied constantly even beaten if the chance was available. No one loves me. I have no money, no job, and no home. I just want to cry all day trying to get out of this terrible situation. "Sir?" The waitress asked. "Yes?" I sighed.
"We're closing soon"
"Oh, I'll be out in a minute then"
I sighed grabbing my phone ignoring the hate text from my sister before leaving the bar. Honestly, I had no clue where I was going to sleep tonight. I wasn't paying attention as I fell down with someone else. "Ow!" The man yelped as he got off his feet. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I asked getting up.
"Don't worry about it. I'm fine but the real question is are you okay?"
"That was too quick. Why don't you tell me what's bothering you?"
The man raised his eyebrows suspiciously before taking my hand and guided me to a nearby bench. "And why not?" He asked. "I don't know you. Besides, I'm not good at talking," I answered.
"Hm is that right? I'm Magnus. Magnus Bane, high warlock of Brooklyn"
"You're joking, right? There's no way I'm speaking to the high warlock"
"Not at all. Why don't we head to my loft?"
"I'm good"
"I'm not taking no for an answer, Alexander"
"How did you-? You're really the high warlock, aren't you?"
"Like I said, I wasn't joking"
"It's Alec by the way"
Magnus looked at me blankly before laughing. "I call you Alexander," he smirked with a wink. "I only get called Alexander when I'm in trouble," I explained looking away. God, he was so handsome. I just want to make out with his face on the bed while taking my virginity. Wait, what? Snap out of it, Alec! He may not even be gay! Ugh, I hate falling for people who I can't have. (Not so innocent, Alec, are we now?)
"You zoned out, are you okay?"
"Uh yeah"
Magnus raised his eyebrows suspiciously with a smirk. "Still thinking of the offer?" He whispered making me shiver. "It might be alright. I don't have a place to stay anyway so sure," I answered.
"Wait, you're homeless?"
"Don't shadowhunters stay in the Institute?"
"I was kicked out for just being me"
Magnus looked at me sadly like he knew what I was talking about.

Time skip

Magnus's POV
"Alexander, are you gay?" I asked. Alec looked at me in horror. "What? No, no," Alec sighed.
"You're lying. Do you think I wouldn't accept you?"
"Well, yeah. No one accepted me when I came out"
"Not even your family?"
I smiled gently and sadly before resting my hand on his shoulder. I really want to kiss him hard and do everything sexual with him. Okay, it must be the alcohol that is leading me to such dirty thoughts! (Sure, Magnus, sure). "Why do you accept me anyway?" Alec asked unexpectedly making me return to reality. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked.
"Why do you accept me?"
"I like to consider myself a freewheeling bisexual"
I chuckled gently before lips were on mine making me go silent. I froze before kissing back. This could be a start of a new relationship.

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