Chapter 63

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They have to be joking. Dinosaurs? That's the huge problem that we've been preparing for, for weeks? Dinosaurs. How the hell can Dinosaurs still even be alive?! How did they manage to do that?! Is this even real? They have to be joking about this, there's no way....

But my mind travels back to the memories again, my head pounding lightly in warning. Was it warning? Or was it a sign?

Everybody goes into spooked and skeptic silence yet again.

"Dinosaurs?" Jada asks exasperated, a bored expression on her face.

"Sense when did you find a way to create dinosaurs?!" Gema asks furiously, and my pounds furiously.

I bite my lip, finally exploding.

"Guys! I really want to know how these memories came to be! I'm worried about the dinosaurs too, but right now my mind as been trained on going through the memories again," I blurt weakly, my chest wheezing and my head pounding lessening.

The scientists stare at me. "You want to go through the memories... Again?!" Devin asks, surprisingly.

"Yes... Is that bad?"

"Terrible! You could actually die from going in the simulators twice," Jenny states crossing her arms.

Devin turns off the tablet, placing it in his back pocket. "If anything, the rest of your crew has to agree on coming with you. Or else, no memories," Devin intrudes.

"Why do you want to go in there a second time anyway?" Jenny asks.

"Because I think I could actually remember them this time around."

"I'll go with her," Nayeli says, smiling.

I look up at her. "You would do that for me?"

"Of course! London was so much fun! And I would do anything for you."

"Same for me. Even if was treacherous," Emily adds.

Soon my friends are all smiling, and agreeing to go with me.
The scientists give each other worried glances.

"You realize that you may not come back out alive right?" Jenny asks.

"If we did it once, we can do it again," Jada blurts sternly.

The scientists sigh.
"Alright," Devin says shrugging and Justin sits up.

"Wait what!? You can't just let them go just like that! Especially with Edan in this condition!" Justin yells and Devin shrugs again.

"I can't stop them from changing their decisions... But you're right Justin. We need to keep Edan supervised until her six weeks are up... That's when she will be healed."

I frown at that, but nod once. The girls all glance at each other with nervous looks. But agreed.

In the six weeks that I progressively got better, nothing really happened. Luckily, I began to heal beautifully, and my chest didn't hurt as bad as it used too.

The fluids stayed to the right amount, and Justin continuously came to check on me, even the others.

Jenny and Devin continued to hand me food and check to see if I was okay and at night, the girls would come in and we would talk the memories.

But nobody told us how hard it was going to be... In the memories.

On the day after the six weeks are done, Jenny and Devin stop all the machines and take out the syringe in my arm.

"All healed," Devin states with a grand smile and Justin matches it as he stands beside him.

I smile as well, not feeling completely normal but stable and almost controlled.

Having these six weeks to only rest, the program was stopped until further notice. We all had a six week break from any surprises and or trials. I could tell everybody needed it, and all of a sudden, I'm glad that Passion attacked me in the first place... I don't know what would have happened if we didn't get the break...

"We're going to take you by wheelchair sense you didn't really get to walk for about six weeks' total," Jenny states with a small laugh and I nod.

"Sounds fun..."

It's day that the girls and I are going into the memories for the second time. Justin is still pretty mad at me for doing this, but I had to go back in. I had to know what I could do differently... I had to know if I could remember them the second time around.

The girls and the other guys come through the door just when I set myself in the chair. Jada smiles gratefully at me, tears in her eyes at how well I recovered and I smile back.

Soon, we're racing down the hallways all the way down to a totally different room on The Chamber floor.

We all stop at another metal door far from The Chamber but seeming to be next to it.

Jenny unlocks the door and we all enter. The room is silver with black lining, and florescent blue lights come down on us. There are oven looking holders on the sides, and tables on the other.

"Alright, Snap Girls please lay yourselves on one of the tables," Jenny commands.

They all do what their told as Justin wheels me to one, helping me onto a table.

"Please be careful," he whispers to I nod, giving him a confident look.

He wraps his arms around me I hug him back, my heart jumping and my stomach sinking at the thought of leaving him as soon as I recovered... How long will it seem to them? How long will we be in there? Does time run differently in the memories?

He steps away, helping me lean back until my back is touching the cold metal, and cold metal latches snap onto my wrists and ankles.

Jenny and Devin push each if us in front of an oven looking holder.

"Will this hurt?" I ask Jenny as she wheels me.

"No, it will be like blacking out," she answers, quickly walking away.

Everybody except the girls and I walk into a separate room in the back of it. It reminds me of the electrical room in The Chamber and an uneasy feeling grows in me.

My head pounds violently, and I frown at the ceiling. I hope those go away in the memories.

I see Jenny type some buttons, and the oven doors open outward.

"Prepare for memory lockdown," a voice booms inside the room.

The tables are suddenly moving, closer and closer to the oven like door.

I catch a glimpse of Emily and she gives me a thumb up. I give her one last smile, before we can't see each other anymore.

The oven doors close behind me, and I'm a golden like room. It's the exact size of my body, and I don't ask how it is. It's as if I'm in a metal case. A coffin if you will.

I glance around the room, my head pounding wildly and I suddenly realized that in the whole six weeks I've been recovering, they never asked about it... And I find myself being glad they didn't.

There is a camera in the corner, and I stare at it. I can tell that Justin is looking through it intently.

"Memory lockdown number 1: Fear," the voice booms and gas suddenly fills the space around me and I'm suddenly caked in fear.

"I will survive," I mouth to the camera, knowing that Justin can see me, before I go through the biggest pain in my head I've ever experienced, and before I black out I have this one final thought.

"This was a mistake."

And everything goes black.

Here we go.


Book 2 in The Snap Series:
Forest Glory!

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