Chapter 5

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"STOP!" I shout, making everybody freeze.


I point down to the floor, seeing where the bronze smooth ground, is replaced with tile.

"It's a trap."

"What do we do?" Lizeth asks me and I look around the room, soon seeing another note taped against the wall.

I slowly walk over to it, mindful of the tile, and I read it aloud.

"Red= Fighter, Yellow= Stealth, Blue= Brains, Pink= Dodge, Green= watcher."

"That's all?" Nayeli asks.

"What's stealth?" Jada questions and I wave her off.

"Like a ninja. And yes, that's all. But I don't... Wait a second!" My brain clicks as I look at the colors on the note... And colors on our backpacks.

"Take off your backpacks and hold them in front of you."

They quickly do as I ask, confused faces all around.

"Yes, it makes sense now! Our backpacks are the same color as the colors on the note! Gema and Emily, you guys are the fighters, I'm the brains, Lizeth, you should know where and when a trap is, Nayeli you should have good instinct, and Jada should be hard to catch," I say confidently, the smile growing my face.

"Oh.... So you're the smart one," Gema frowns with her arms crossed.

"Well let me remind you, that I'm not the color coder of this arrangement," I snap and Jada steps up.

"Guys, it makes sense. Edan is the brains. I couldn't have figured that color code by myself, and either would you guys."

Gema uncross her arms, and glances at the ground.

"Ok Lizeth, you should know where to step," I state, and Lizeth sets on her backpack, walking to the tiles.

"Ok, follow exactly where I go."

We all nod.

Lizeth takes a deep breath, closes her eyes and without hesitation steps on the tile in front of her. It lights up green and makes a ding sound. She hops on the next one and everybody follows, hesitating at every corner and title, gaining closer to the end.

My head pounds warningly when Emily falters, losing her balance a bit but regaining it quickly. She doesn't move for a second, and I set a hand on her shoulder. She glances at me before letting out a sigh and continuing to walk over the tiles.

When we make it to the end, the tiles made a musical tune.

"You did it!" I yell, as the surprised look on Lizeth's face makes us laugh.

"I don't know how I did it."

"I wonder what would've happened if we stepped on the wrong one," Gema mumbles.

"We would die, obviously," Jada responds with a roll of her eyes.

"Come on let's continue, I want to get out of here. Keep your eyes peeled," Nayeli says, and we all continue walking down the long hallway.

A few minutes' later Lizeth suddenly shouts, "Stop!"

We all freeze again. This time there's no more hallway to go straight through. The whole room turns to the right, where it shows a double tan door with a mask on it, and a keypad that holds the two doors together. There's another note on the side.

"It only has the color blue on it," I mumble, squinting my eyes in confusion.

"Maybe It means that this stage is for you." Emily suggests and I nod, walking slowly to the key pad.

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