Chapter 2

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The first thing that everybody does is freak out... Typical middle schoolers. Nevertheless, it's not like I'm not freaking out either. The pain in my stomach only lessens and I realize there's still more to come other than a simple bell.

My friends and I sit up straighter, looking around the room nervously as the students begin to yell and scream in monotone. A shiver crawls up my spine as the students don't seem to be in much of a hurry to get out of here.

Ms. McAllister tells everybody to go in the corner behind the desk over by the door, and everybody practically sprints in panic to that destination. My friends and I stay seated for a moment so we wouldn't get caught in the sea of falsely frightened children. I swear it is like Sharknado but with crazy hands and seas of feet.

Ms. McAllister locks the door, puts a chair underneath the handle, and runs over to us as soon as my friends and I take a seat.

"Wow. A chair will definitely protect us. My hero," Emily growls and I shush her as all the students and I sit still. Quiet and not moving an inch just as we were trained.

Then, I hear running footsteps outside and more screaming. This isn't a drill. Is the only thing my mind is set on as Nayeli and Lizeth shake beside me. I wish I could do something to make them reassured, but unfortunately, I had nothing. Only the running words of "this is not a drill" rolling around in my head and making it hard to concentrate.

"We'll be alright," I mumble, but for the first time I'm not so sure.

The feeling in my stomach grows again, and Emily scowls uncomfortably beside me. My thoughts are interrupted by confusion as the hall goes awkwardly silent. Everybody is as still as a rock. You can't even hear them breathing.

I wait in dreadful anticipation, sweat billowing onto my brow as all of a sudden, we hear metal clinking on the tiled floor. It makes these ongoing sounds that make me want to punch a wall. The annoying and seemingly endless clanks against the ground stop for a few moments, and I think everything will be fine after all.

Then, we hear a razor. Their cutting the door. I thought, starting to lightly shake as well. I watch in horror as a large jagged piece of metal begins to cut a large circle through the middle of the door. The girls and I's mouths are open wide as the piece of the door suddenly falls, and shatters on the floor. Students scream.

A girl and a boy, about in there 20's or early 30's walk in. They wear white lab coats, goggles and weird looking masks that hang off the black belts around their waists. The gadgets hang off them like giant octopus legs, and they clank against the floor with the sickening sounds. This isn't good.

"Who are they, who are they?" Jada asks franticly and I don't answer.

I'm too shocked to do anything. I don't think I can do anything. I think I'm fully paralyzed.

The boy and the girl look in our direction. I meet their stares, and cringe when they both smile at the exact same times.

"We aren't going to hurt you... We just need a couple of people," the girl begins immediately, the smile that seems desperately fake not even fading a little bit.

I take them both in, seeing that the girl has hot pink straight hair and peach like skin. Both their eyes are hidden underneath their large sized goggles. The boy has brown straight hair that's dyed green at the top, with also peach colored skin. They could have been classified as brother and sister. However, I'm not so sure of that either.

"We can't let you take any of the children," Ms. McAllister says roughly.

For an old hag, she sounds oddly confident.

"Look, there is the easy way or the hard way," the boy states, the smile fading, and I can sense the glare.

"Which one do you choose?" The girl finishes and I shiver.

There's nothing creepier then adults who end each other's sentences.

"It depends. We won't let you take any of the children either-" The teacher gets cut off.

The girl snaps her fingers and everybody passes out... Except my friends and me. Well this is just too ironic.

"Our hero," Emily scowls again and I don't even have the courage to tell her to be quiet.

We huddle together, frightened. I look around the room, trying to see if there's anything that can help us get out of this situation. But the only things around are desks, chairs, and possibly really sharp pencils... If we're lucky. I highly doubt these middle schoolers even have decent notebook paper in their bags. 

"And by the term 'we need a couple of people,' we mean you," the boy states.

"W-What do you want from us?" Lizeth shutters, making me wince.
I hate hearing fear come from her words.

"Come with us, we will explain everything once we get to the lab," the girl replies and my blood surges from in me at the word.

"LAB!" I shout, covering my mouth with my face heating.

That sudden outburst makes the visitors tilt their heads. I can feel my cheeks cool into a sick green at the synchronized movements of these two. 

"We won't hurt you. We promise. Our radar told us your heartbeat and where to find you. You're the ones that we've chosen to become something greater," the boy states with another smile.

A million questions pop into my head, but the only one I ask is, "Should we go?" And it's not even directed to them.

"Definitely... not," Nayeli whispers.

"What about our parents?" Lizeth asks.

"We'll take care of that," the boy replies and I glance at them with my eyes squinted.

"You won't hurt us?" I ask them, glancing to Gema who stares at the visitors with hate.

Gema does not say anything through this entire process, which is unnatural for her in these types of situations. I would have thought she would have grabbed a chair or something by now, and made the wild decision to throw it at them, screaming "DON'T HURT MY FRIENDS!"

"We won't hurt you. We gave you our word," the girl mumbles. "We don't really have a choice," Emily whispers sadly, realizing it for the worst.

Nayeli gulps.

"Uh . . . ok,"

I look around as we all share the same look. Then, I look up to the scientists.

"Ok we'll go," I say confidently, but I definitely don't feel that way. I absolutely think my legs are going to fail as soon as I decide to get up.

"Good, now don't freak out on us. Come," the boy commands and he motions us to follow him.

We all get up slowly, my heart thumping wildly, and I end up gulping so hard it hurt. The scientists walk out, and with slight hesitation and I final glance, we follow.

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