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To my surprise, we all make it into the room at the same time. But Emily and Luke do not appear. I'm boiling with rage by the time we all appear in the room, ready to rip someone's head off.

"What did you do to us?" We all ask as we all look at the scientists that are standing in the middle of the room with again, pleased faces.

Before they can say anything, I hear a scream that's getting progressively louder.

A second later, Emily falls from the roof and hits the ground.

"Ow...," she mumbles and my eyes widen as I have a slight urge to run up to her, and see if she is ok.

"She's quite alright," Jenny blurts, and she isn't lying.

Emily looks fine. The only thing she might have is a bruise. The girls and I walk quickly over to her, helping her up from the floor.

"What the heck... what just happened?" She asks, placing a hand on her forehead looking dazed.

A moment later, Luke comes running in from the hallway, looking terrified and his hair disheveled.

"What just happened?" He asks, pointing down the hallway.

"Can you guys take your seats, so we can explain everything?" Devin asks us.

We don't move an inch and I stare at the scientists with so much hatred, Nayeli seems to back away.

"What is wrong with you guys?!" I yell.

"Are you trying to murder us?!" Jada questions sharply, moving next to me.

"We are not answering your questions until you have taken your seats," Jenny answers stubbornly.

"Why? What will it do to us? Is a little clasp going to wrap around our wrists to lock us in or something?" Gema asks and the scientists laugh, making me even more furious.

"We need you to calm down, or your powers will activate. Now take a seat, and take a deep breath. Nothing will happen," Jenny reassures and we all hesitate.

My mind is on a whirlwind. I seem to be asking myself all these questions that I can't answer, and I am suddenly getting very nervous. My head pounds excessively and I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from wincing out loud. I start lifting into the air, and everybody gasps.

"Calm down! We told you to calm down, or that will happen... or something worse...," Devin mumbles, running up to me.

I grab his hands, and he pulls me down to the ground again.

"I don't think they will be able to calm down, Devin," Jenny whispers to him and he glances at her as they share a look.

Jenny soon nods and turns to the control room. She walks inside and scrambles into yet another cardboard box. She pulls out an eyedropper, and I sigh sharply.

"Now what are you going to do to us?

"Nothing. But your power reactions happen when your emotions change. That triggers your eyes to change color of the power type you are going to be using. That's when your powers come into play," Devin answers slowly.

I stare at him like he was crazy, and he sighs. I can feel the annoyance radiating off him, and I almost laugh. Now he knows how we feel.

"When you floated into the air, your eyes turned gray. Which can sometimes be the color of air; fog; mist."

I still stare at him with the confusion is now gone, but replaced by sheer anger and strife.

"So... lift your head back," Jenny blurts and I don't move.

I stare Jenny down and I scowl at her. I'm done cooperating. I want answers, then I'll think about actually listening to them again. These pesky scientists literally changed who I am in a matter of minutes. And they don't seem to be showing any type of emotion, or care about the people they're testing on.

Devin sighs sharply and I hear a few chuckles come from the back of the room.

"Ok... What can I do to make you take this?" Devin asks.

More silence.

Devin whips his hands into the air, and I roll my eyes at the sudden fatigue I'm getting off him.

"How about every day starting now, we get at least an hour of free time," I suggest.

Free time to roam and try to relax comes first. Then answers will be next.

I hear everybody murmur in agreement. Devin seems to relax a bit, as Jenny puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Ok. Done. You'll probably get even more time then that once this is finished," Jenny agrees and I hold back a laugh of relief.

Jenny holds up the eye dropper.

"Who's first?"

I wait for a full three seconds, before going up to her.

"So brave," she whispers and I roll my eyes in response.

I really wasn't brave at all. I just want to get all of this over with.

I bend my head back and Jenny drops the liquid into my eyes very quickly. It doesn't hurt, but it feels like my eyes have just turned into ice. I rub them irritatingly.

"Wo... what's in that thing?" I ask still rubbing them, and Jenny smiles warmly.

"I have no idea."

I glare daggers at her. Great, I could've just poisoned myself.

She claps her hands.

"Perfect! Your irises will be green for a while.... That's the dominant color."

My eyes widen again.

"My eyes are green?"

The scientist nods quickly, waving me off.


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