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"Hello there. I'm scientist Maisie. I'm going to be your instructor on practicing your powers day one," she begins in a monotone voice that scares me half to death.

I stare at her, unmoving and Justin steps a bit closer to me, pale.

"Now remember, I'm a recording and cannot hear your voice. But I'm controlled to know when to move on to the next step."

"She's a robot, right? She has to be!" Justin asks franticly and I don't answer, too shocked to listen.

"You have been told that your powers are the Earth Elements, and those powers are based on your emotions. The first element we will be working on is fire."

And at that moment, plain old dummies appear in the room. Justin stares at them for a moment, a bemused look on his face. He leans towards me.

"Told you," he whispers and I force myself not to slap his shoulder.

"Please stand om the two X's," Maisie demands.

I glance at the floor and see two X's on the floor not too far away from the dummies. I glance at Justin, who shrugs. We walk onto the X's and hear a zing.

"First, you will put to hands out in front of you, and say 'shoot'."

I hesitate, but Justin immediately puts his hands out.

"Shoot," he commands and fire blasts out of his hands.

I turn pale and Justin yelps a bit as the fire swirls to the dummy, hitting it right in the chest. The flames curl around it until I'm not able to see it anymore.

"To make it recede, say 'stop'."

I gulp nervously.

"Stop," Justin commands lightly, and his fire quickly disappears back into his hands.

His eyes are wild which makes me chuckle.

I set my hands out in front of me, and take a deep breath.

"Shoot," I whisper and fire shoots out of my hands making me gasp.


Justin chuckles and I call it to stop, my breathing quickening and my head pounding furiously.
Adrenaline pumps through my veins, and I'm suddenly excited for the next step.

The dummy melts to the ground along with Justin's and Maisie smiles.

"Very good. Let's move onto water," she suggests as new dummies form in the place of the old ones.

"You will use the same technique that used for Fire, but instead of saying 'shoot', you will say 'blast'."

Justin and I set our hands in front of us, and he glances at me.

"Together?" He suggests and I nod excitedly.

"1... 2... 3... Blast!" We shout together and water shoots out from our palms.

It swirls excitedly like a tornado, splitting into different forms and warping around each other and connects to the dummy, making a loud clap.


The water disappears again, dropping to the floor and slipping through the deep cracks.

When I get a good look at the dummies they both have big, round holes in the chest.

"Wo..." Justin mumbles.

This is definitely something that I'm not used to. My adrenaline is quickly replaced with worry and tiredness. These elements must be sapping my energy... How will I get through this? And my powers are definitely able to kill somebody... But do I have the stamina to do that? Do I even have the heart?

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