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She did it! She's alive!

I quickly get up, racing to Nayeli who flinches at my hard grip.

My heart pounds in my ears as the thoughts of could have happened to her begin to run through me, and I find myself being more grateful than ever.

"I thought you were as good as dead!" I yell happily.

"That's the spirit," Nayeli mumbles back with a slight smile and I let go.

I don't know how I would've lived with myself, if she had just... I shake my head, spreading the smile on my face as Justin comes out of his hiding place, looking terribly sad and miserable.

I tug at my brown hair nervously as everybody turns to him.

"We'll get her back dude," Luke mumbles setting a hand on his shoulder and in the corner of my eye, I see Austin inspecting the centipede.

"Uh... We got a problem guys," he yells over and I turn to look at him, surprised again that he actually spoke.

"What is it?"

"Anger is melting... Fast."

He points at her feet and I glance down at Anger's feet, and Austin isn't kidding. The clone is melting.

"Let's go then!" Lizeth shouts but I stop her.

"Wait," I call and Lizeth stops in her tracks.

She clenches her fist.

"Emily we can't just wait here! The clone is melting and who knows where Edan is, we have to find her!"

I turn to Lizeth, glaring slightly.

"Don't think I know that? Just wait a second," I snap, turning back to the clone that looks as though its sweating.

I walk up closer to her, seeing the clone's eyes shift under ice and I walk up to the front of her.

"There's something different about her..." I mumble and Gema huffs.

"Emily, she's a gigantic centipede. I would say she looks different as well."

I shake my head, squinting my eyes.

"I'm not talking about the form she's shifted into... Look..."

Luke walks up to me next to me as I point to Anger's neck. Luke makes a distasteful look.

"What is it?" Scarlet asks, walking up to us and Jenny follows closely behind.

"There's a... Hole in her neck..."

Luke whispers while Scarlet and Jenny look up at it as well.

Jenny frowns and I turn to her.

"Do you know what that means?" I ask her and Jenny slowly nods.

"If the emotions are out for a certain amount of time, they begin to wear away. One by one until they become air themselves..."

Everybody goes silent and I feel myself begin to tear up again.

"What will happen to Edan?" I whisper and Jenny glances to me.

"She turns into a ghost. A ghost inside her own self... Unable to feel anything at all."

"How do you know this?" Mike asks suddenly and Jenny turns to him, hesitating.

"I tested it once..." She mumbles, her eyes turning pained.

She turns away from everybody, clearing her throat before looking up to us again.

"We need to find Edan and quickly. We need to figure out how to put these things back where they belong... Before it's too late. "

I force myself not to look as nervous as I feel. I can't stand the thought of that happening to Edan... I can't stand the thought of how the rest of the girls would feel after Edan's... Mental death.

Lizeth jumps a little.

"Then let's go!"

I hesitate, before nodding at her. We all race out of the training room.

"Watch out for the others!" Jenny yells over the pounding of our feet.

"Wait, you go on ahead and lead us to where Edan is," Nayeli suggests slowing down.

Jenny nods, running up ahead and I find myself getting more and more nervous the more we travel further into the hallways.
The only thing I hear is the pounding of my heart, and the feeling of racing against time as the barren hallways shake with our rhythm. God... Where are you Edan?

Soon, Jenny stops abruptly, sending us into a domino effect as we all fall to the ground.

"No..." I hear Scarlet whisper and I look up, meeting eyes with the pink eyes of Joy.

She has a crazy look in her eyes, and her hair is in knots. To top it off, she has a wild smile on her face that sends shivers down my spine.

"Look who it is! Back so soon?" Joy questions, making us all flinch.

This... Isn't good. And it's not Edan either... Well... It's a part of her.

"Somebody do something..." Lizeth whispers, fear in her eyes.

"Joy! It's so nice to see you again!" I blurt, trying to stall her so the others will have more time to come up with a plan.

Joy smiles as I sit criss- cross, trying to keep myself calm.

"Nice to see you too!" She states, her eyes shining.

"Did I mention that you look great today?"

Joy blushes and I try not to gag.

"Why thank you! You don't look too bad yourself!"

I glare at everybody, and they all nervously agree. Joy is honestly scaring the heck out of me. Who knows what the clones can do out of the blue. I shiver a bit when her smile widens.

"Thank you for all the compliments... But flattery won't get you anywhere."

She reaches into her back pocket, pulling out a knife. Ok... This is not how I thought our conversation would go.

But how will she defeat all of us? With one tiny knife and a small body against all eleven of us?

I tilt my head, watching silently as she advances on us. Her eyes shine and the knife in her hand begins to grow, and the last thought in my mind gets shot out of my head.

"Wo, wo, wo! Let's talk about this!" I yell quickly, my voice quavering.

We all begin to back up a bit, Justin's face pale and Lizeth shaking violently.

"There's nothing to talk about! It's just me being me-" She gets abruptly cut off.

Joy tilts her head, looking highly confused before she begins to hug her stomach. She screeches in pain before she starts to shine, and quiver. And just like that... She disappears in a cloud of dust.

The knife drops to the floor with a "clang!" And it shrinks back to its regular size.

My jaw drops when I see Edan standing in her place.

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