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I wake up in a hospital bed and freezing cold. My teeth chatter and my breath can be seen in the air. My body feels like its dropped ten degrees, and I frown. I look around the small room and find Scarlet, sleeping peacefully next to me. Her light brown curls are in heaps and she twitches from time to time. What the heck happened? And why am I freezing cold?

"Scarlet," I call, making her eyes pop open.

I flinch at the sudden action, looking at her cautiously as if she's a talking time bomb.

"I didn't think you would wake up so quickly," I say, my teeth still chattering to the point where it hurts.

Soon, Scarlet starts to shiver as well.

"Why is it so cold?"  She asks, ignoring my other comment.

"I don't know... We didn't do anything, did we?"

We're silent for a few moments until I see Scarlet's eyes switch to the floor. She reaches over to the edge of the bed and grabs a piece of paper.

"What is it?"  I ask her.

"A note. 'Go to the place this all started.'"

"When what started? When we got the pill?"

Scarlet nods and I'm not surprised at her determination. She told me she was very smart at the dinner when we first met... I wonder if that can be of some use later on.

"We should have a power... if what the scientists said was true," Scarlet states, making me glare at the wall.

Did the scientists tell her something about all this? I shake my head, looking over at the bedside table between us. Silly thinking. Scarlet doesn't know any more than we do.

"What's that?" I ask, looking at a pink purse with a buckle on top.

"I... don't know."

She sets down the paper, and grabs the purse.

"I hear that sentence too much," I think to myself, crossing my arms.

Scarlet stops and stares at the purse for a few moments.

"Tell me about it," I hear a voice say back.

I blink, wide-eyed.

"Did you just—" I start.

"I think I did," Scarlet finishes.

"We can talk to each other through our minds!" She adds.

"Wow... I'm... confused... how?" I ask her, my head suddenly spinning and I shake it off.

"I don't know... And yes, so am I."

I can tell she doesn't like knowing the answer to a question by the way her hands tense on the purse while answering.

She opens the purse and gives a confused look.

"It's just lipstick," she thinks to me.

"Really?" I ask aloud and she nods, the confused look still on her face.

"Let me see," I command, holding a hand out.

She hands the lipstick to me, and I suddenly I feel little currents of electricity flow through my hands.

"Its electricity...,"

Scarlets eyes widen.

"Really? Open it!"

I am just as excited as she is, but yet, I still hesitate.

"What will it do?"

She smiles sadly at me, making me guess that she doesn't know the answer yet again.

"How should I know? I may be smart, but only with finding clues," she answers and I sigh.


I point the lipstick at the wall, hesitating again before pulling the cap off. Springs immediately shoot out of the pink case, blue lightning following the springs onto the wall. The springs connect to the wall and the blue sparks take over. It begins to climb up the whole surface, making it shake violently.

My mouth hangs open the whole time as the sparks slowly make it to the top... and the wall explodes. Scarlet and I scream and we cover our heads.

When I open my eyes again I gasp at the sight. The wall is completely gone... obliterated; destroyed. After a moment of shocked silence, Scarlet laughs.

"It's the Lipstick Taser from Despicable Me! That's so clever and hilarious!"

The springs bounce back in the lipstick and I close it, my hands shaking. It would be terrible if I opened it on accident, thinking that it was regular Chap Stick and... I'm just going to stop thinking about it now.

Scarlet is still laughing when I stand up, putting the taser in my pocket. Scarlet suddenly stops laughing her lungs out and gives me a confused look, looking at my eyes.

"What?" I ask.

"When did you put in light blue contacts?"

I blink.

"I didn't put anything in my eyes... did you? Because your eyes are light blue too!"

Scarlet stands up slowly.

"Don't. Move," she whispers hesitantly.

I quickly hear crackling sounds, and snow starts falling from the ceiling. I look up, my heartbeat speeding up as I glance down. Ice is forming around my feet.

"What the heck! What's happening?!" Scarlet suddenly yells, not following her own command and looking around wildly.

"I don't know, you're the one that's good with clues!"

Scarlet takes deep breath, and closes her eyes.

"Ok... so, both of our eyes are changing color, and it's the color of the snow and ice falling... Maybe that means that this is our power. Your eyes are light blue, and ice is at the bottom of your feet. Ice must be your power. So, that means I'm the one doing the snow," Scarlet states and I stare at her in disbelief.

I couldn't have even figured that out! I would be too busy bouncing off the walls.

I take a step towards her and the ice follows. Soon there's a trail of ice leading to Scarlet and me. Snow is starting to pile up on the floor, and the hospital beds. Scarlet and I have stopped shivering minutes ago, and I'm not even cold.

"How do you stop it?"  I ask nervously and Scarlet shuts her eyes tightly, and the snow suddenly stops.

It's just floating in the air, not moving and I look around franticly, trying to figure out what's going on. I feel like if I move an inch, something would explode. The taser rattles a bit in my pocket, making me flinch again. Ok, I need to calm down.

Scarlet reopens her eyes and they're green again. The snow falls to the floor like it's made out of stone. The ice below me melts into water, and I'm guessing my eyes are brown again.

"We need to talk to the scientists," Scarlet blurts, looking as though she's about to faint. That must have made her really tired.

I move towards her to try to help her, but she waves me off. I'm too shocked to say a word as Scarlet marches out of the room, and I follow her after a moment of shocked staring.

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