Chapter 32

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When all the memories are done, I look around the room with shocked silence. I saw each of the Snap Girls in the memories. But why are they called memories? They weren't ours, right? I don't know what the others saw, but they look just as confused as I feel. I glance to Justin who is staring hard at the floor, and I open my mouth to say something when the scientists interrupt.

The scientists come out of the electrical room, happy as can be.

"Congratulations! You have successfully stabilized your powers!" Jenny states with a smile.

We don't say anything, too confused and in shock to do so.

"You all may go! Walk around anywhere you may like!" Devin finishes happily and I slowly begin to glare.

I find it extremely annoying when a person is excited about something that doesn't necessarily make any sense to be happy about.

I have this small fading memory of sitting in class, working on the computers as the teacher exclaims happily up front about a new assignment. Of course, nobody else was excited about it, which made me extremely annoyed that she was. I don't know why I feel that way to a certain subject but then again, there's a lot of things going on right now that I'm sourly confused by.

Everybody gets up slowly, and carefully. They all eye the scientists like they'll do something out of the blue to ruin our free time. But they don't do anything. They just stare back at us with wide smiles as we slowly walk out of the room.

We walk down the hallway in utter shock, my feet moving much faster than the others. I have to get away. I had to do something to get my mind immediately off this subject before I go in to deep with it.

Justin catches up to me, and takes my arm making me stop. I slowly turn to him, the memories forgotten.

"Hey... Can I talk to you?" He asks me lightly, looking around the room.

My heart rate speeds up.

"Y-yeah, sure."

He takes my hand, and we jog down to the lobby. Walking out the front doors, the sun begins to set and the air cools around me.

I stop for a moment, my eyes squinting at the orange sun and I take a breath. My head pounds lightly, and I choose to ignore it.

I glance at Justin who has a grin on his face as he waits patiently for me. I hesitate a moment, glancing at the sun then back to Justin before making my way towards him.

We walk to a picnic table, sitting down in silence for a few moments.

"Do you have any idea what just happened?" He asks me after another moment.

I think for a while, trying to make sense about what can be going on.

"No. I don't. They were all... Sad," I answer dropping my shoulders as my head transfers back to the memories that makes my heart ache.

Justin nods silently.

"Did you see... Anyone you knew?"

I scrunch my face lightly, unsure whether to tell him or not. I don't know who can be trusted anymore.

"It... It depends," I respond hesitantly, making him smile lightly.

"I know it's hard to trust people right now... But you can trust me. We became partners for a reason," he protests, grabbing my hand from under the table.

I shudder slightly. Him being close to me makes it worse, and I want him to back up. But nothing comes out from my mouth and I sit there for seemingly minutes on end, not talking and paying too much attention to the pressure on my hand.

I gulp, setting a hand on my forehead when I'm able to move. My head pounds' way too often.

"Can we really control our powers?" I ask him, changing the topic of conversation.

"I don't know... I feel like I can control myself better now at least. What are you feeling right now?"

I look up at him, staring at his now brown eyes and I smile.

"Nervous," I respond and he tilts his head.

"I think I know why."

Shoot. Abort. Abort! Change subject!

"I don't know... You have a strange mind," I say, trying not to let my voice shake and I force myself not to face palm.

Great job. You're doing absolutely great.

He pretends to look offended.

"Is that a compliment?"

"I don't know... Is it?" I ask.

"Ugh! Stop doing that! It's annoying," he groans, making me laugh.

"Are you sure?"


"What if I don't?"


"What if I don't want to?" I ask again and he scowls, poking me hard the stomach.

I double over, laughing.

"Ok! Sorry I'll stop!" I admit.

He smiles and I sit up.

"Come on, let's get ready for that party you planned."

"What if I don't want to?" He asks playfully and I laugh, standing up.

"Then stay here," I tease, crossing my arms.

"Oh! You got me there! Ok!" He says in a sarcastic voice, raising his hands.

I smile, staring at him again for a moment before a memory flashes through my mind. Of course, it has to the one I remember distinctly of the first love I ever had.

My smile fades a bit, my head pounding and the wall slowly building itself back up the more I stare at him...

"Edan?" His voice echoes through my mind, and the memory snaps away making me flinch slightly.


"Are you alright? You look sad..."

It's then when I feel the burning in my eyes and I blink rapidly, confused. I look back to the sunset.

"I... Yeah..."

I shake my head, the sudden abyss clearing and I smile back down at him.

"Fine. Sorry, I must've had a memory..."

Justin look at me for a moment, then nods. He gets up with me and we both walk towards the building.

With me forgetting to pull the wall back down.

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