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I wake up with a buzzing sensation in my ears, and only pain.

"Ugh!"  I groan, seeing that I'm in a hospital bed feeling as if my body sat in a boiling pot for over an hour.

My skin feels hot, and I'm sweating greatly.

I look over to my partner, Luke. I immediately trusted him once we met, but I can't get the feeling out of me that something just... wasn't right.

He supposedly likes everything that I like, and I don't know how that's possible. There must be something that we can't agree on.

My thoughts are interrupted by Luke groaning.

"Luke!" I whisper lightly, frowning when he doesn't answer.

"I hope he's ok," I think to myself.

"I am," he says back, making yelp.

Luke's eyes pop open at the sound, and I flinch.

"How did you do that!?"  I shout.

"Do what?"

"Talk in my mind!"

He shrugs, and I feel myself grow angry.

"Can you hear me?"  I ask, watching as he stares at the wall for a second, then nods.

"Yeah," he thinks back.

So normally, I would be knocking my head against the wall, worried that there's this random guy who I met a few days ago, that now has access into my mind. But instead, I feel a smile grow over my face.

"That's awesome."

He smiles back, and looks over at the door.

"There's a note," he says and I follow his gaze to see a white piece of paper attached to the door that's wide open.

I glance around the room again, not seeing any nurses or doctors crowding around. I see no trace of my friends either.

A slight hint of panic runs through me, but I force myself to calm down as I look over to the note again. I'm just close enough to see that are black letters on it, but I can't see what it says.

I close my eyes, and manage to move a finger, but it cracks and burns.

"Ow," I whisper, hearing Luke grunt in agreement as he also tries to move his tense muscles.

"Ok, when I say three we stand up no matter the pain," I command and Luke nods.

I close my eyes again.

"Ready? 1, 2, 3!"

I shift my legs over the side of the bed, and pain erupts through my limbs.

"Ow, ow, ow," I whisper over and over again as Luke does the same.

Once I'm fully standing, I sigh for a third time.

"Ow," I say longingly as the burning sensation starts to make my legs numb.

I stumble, catching myself on the side of the hospital bed. I look over to Luke, who seems to be completely fine. I force myself not frown, and make a tense smile instead.

"How come you look ok?"  I ask and he shrugs again. 

A moment of silence passes as I try to get myself up and moving. This shouldn't be too hard... I'm probably just making things a little harder then they seem.

I close my eyes, tugging myself into full standing position, and looking up to Luke again.  I hesitate before gasping a little.

"Luke...? Do you... Feel alright?"  I ask him.

"Yeah why?"

"Cause your eyes... are orange!"


His hands randomly start to shake and I grow intensely nervous. I don't know if its due to my nerves, or something totally different. But I soon find the answer.

"So are yours," he whispers and my hands start to shake as well.

Luke lifts his hands to look at them and before we can ask any questions, they start to spill out lava. We both scream as my hands start to spill out the boiling red substance as well.

"Wo...," I mumble, lifting my hands.

The fear disappears from my body, and fascination takes place. I tilt my head, wondering how exactly this worked... And how this is happening.

When the lava drops, it wouldn't melt the ground. It would simply just disappear. The lava spills from my fingertips, and no pain wraps around them. Not a hit of lava even scorches my clothes.

Luke is wide-eyed as he steps back. I'm about to warn him about the water bottle on the ground, but he already trips over it.

When he falls, he goes straight through the wall.

"Luke!" I shout, panic rising and to my surprise, I do the exact same thing.  Except through the floor.

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