Chapter 35

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We enter the elevator once it opens, and I press the second level. I sigh, leaning myself on the railing.

"Wow I'm tired," I say, earning a smile from Justin.

"You've said 'wow' so many times, it sounds all weird now... Wow... Wow..."

I roll my eyes.

"You're crazy," I whisper and Justin glares at me.

"You're crazy," he snaps back and I stand up, crossing my arms.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, you're so crazy a pig would like you."

I tilt my head. Why a pig? And why we are having this ridiculous conversation?

"You're so crazy a rabid squirrel would like you," I fight back and Justin points at me.

"To far."

I smile, and chuckle again. We're delusional.

"Where did you get your ridiculous humor?" I ask.

"My mom I believe..." He answers looking up at the ceiling as if remembering something.

"Where did you get your voice?" We ask in unison, making us laugh at each other.

"You first," Justin starts.

"I really don't know... I'm adopted."

He gives me the surprised look yet again.

"You are?"

I nod.

"Your turn."

"I think I got my voice from my dad. But I'm not really sure either," he responds as the elevator door opens.

We walk out of the elevator with my yawning again. I sense Justin stopping about halfway from the elevators.

"What's wrong?" I ask worryingly, turning around to look at him.

"Um... I really do miss singing...." He starts.


"And I was wondering if we could practice... So I can be less nervous to sing in front of people."

I grin wildly.

"Of course you can...! We can... Yes!" I stutter, making him smile at my mix up.

"Ok then, how about tomorrow?" He suggests.

"Sure, when he have time."

Justin nods again with a pained look and I give him a small smile.

"We always find a way to escape death... I'm pretty sure we'll able to hang out tomorrow."

He laughs again, my heart lifting then settling again as I push it back down. I need to calm myself, and just head to sleep. Possibly and maybe even forgetting this night never happened.

Another voice seems to taunt me. "Yeah right, nice try. You'll never forget this day until the day you die."

I force myself not to frown and Justin straightens.

"You're right. I'll see you tomorrow," he mumbles and I nod at him.

We say our goodbyes, and walk our separate ways.
"... Partner is calling... Your partner is calling..." I hear a voice state over and over again.

I open my eyes groggily, and glance over at the television. It has a mini phone popping up on the screen, with Justin's name below it. My eyes widen. Now?!

I sit up and flatten my hair. I grab the remote, and press the tiny phone button. I see Justin sitting in a chair, waiting.

"Finally," he mumbles making me grunt.

"Justin, do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Yep, 7:00am," he answers proudly.

"I thought you were the one that said I had to get my sleep," I protest crossing my arms.

He shrugs, and I make another agitated face.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry. I just really needed to tell you that the boys and I- "

"The boys?"

"Diamond and Scarlet included."


"We all have presents for ya'll."


"The partners!" Justin yells, making me laugh.

"Oh ok, that makes more sense."

He rolls his eyes, making sure It's noticed by me and I tilt my head, smiling.

"Catch up Edan!"

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry! Continue!"

"Anyway, it's going to be in the dining/living room area... Lunch... Area..." his voice fades into unsureness and I laugh again.

"Just call the Lunch area," I suggest and he nods.

"Do I have to look fancy?" I continue.

"No! You know how I am and 'looking fancy'."

"Yeah, that fake tie looked great on you."

"Oh shut up! I tried!" he yells, pouting.

"I should get back to sleep. Nice to see that this calling thing works. I'll be looking forward to this... Present," I mumble seeing Justin yawn.

"Wow, now you're the one tired," I whisper, trying to keep my eyes open.

He nods.

"Sorry for waking you, but I couldn't get to sleep. I was thinking about you, and I needed to let you know."

I blush slightly, now knowing that he thinks about me and I feel anger in the pit of my stomach. But then again, I keep feeling guilty every time that happens... I don't control the amount of friendship somebody thinks they have with me... I know it's not their fault... But why am I always getting angry?

"Ok, goodnight," I say quickly as my voice shakes.

"Night," he mumbles back before we click the button at the same time to disconnect the call. I can't wait for the gift.

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