Chapter 8

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My closet had black leather clothes in it with black boots and all the things that I've always dreamed about wearing.  It's kind of hard not to be even little creeped out through all of this.

I put on a black shirt boots, and black leggings with holes in them and adding a leather jacket. They're more comfortable than I thought and I look at myself in the full-length mirror.

I tilt my head as it begins to pound again as if someone is knocking against it and I frown. I have to do something about this. It didn't start pounding this way until today. It only seems to begin to do that when I'm feeling a large amount of some kind of emotion.

I shake my head, walking away from my reflection and grabbing a flat iron.

While I'm waiting, I basically played all the instruments I have in my room. I'm having the time of life, for what seems like the first time in forever.

After about 30 minutes of playing, I slide on the bed and flick my television on. I switch through channels until I find something that I like. I hate to admit it, but I'm already loving it here... But all I'm wondering is the price I'll have to pay in order to stay here.

After a few more minutes of paradise, the door finally knocks. I sigh, getting up and opening the door. I meet with the eyes of my friends and the scientists.

"You look great!"  Jenny says and I force a smile.


I look over to my friends. 

"Wow.  You guys look great too!"

Gema's wearing a plain white shirt with jeans and a jean jacket. Nayeli has casual clothes on, jeans with a purple t-shirt.

Emily looks like she just got out of watching a concert. Saggy jeans with a rock t-shirt and a hat that said, "Are you ready for this?" It's tipped to the side, and she curled her hair into a side pony tail.

Jada has on a fancy, sparkly dress that goes a little above the knee, with normal black flats and a little purse.

Lizeth wears shorts and a tank top with a guitar on it. She had put on a hat that looks similar to Emily's, but it has a heart with an arrow going through it. I stare at everybody. We're way to comfortable.

"You look good too!"  Jada yells back and Gema claps her hands.

I roll my eyes.

"Let's go," I mumble with another smile.

We walk down the hallway with a little more spirit now.

The closer we get to the elevator, the more my head pounds again. I have to keep myself from hitting a wall. This head pounding thing is really getting on my highest nerves. But this time, it came out of nowhere. I don't feel any sort of emotion to a high extent. It's just... There, and growing.

When the elevator comes up, we all push inside and Jenny presses level eight.

"Where are we going?" Lizeth asks, looking out the back of the elevator with holds a large window.

"The dining room is up on level eight, and so is the dinner section," Devin replies and my stomach growls.

Dinner sounds awesome.

The elevator doors open and we all walk out to a dining room. It has brown chairs and couches circled around a table with a little bowl with candy on top.

The chairs are sectioned in a way for people to walk through the middle, and the walls are filled with brown lined wallpaper.

"This is where you will be most often during this time," Devin blurts.

"During this time?" I question.

"The experiment time. You will understand when we actually start," Jenny responds, with another smile.

I shrug, trying to brush off the level of nerves and an extra bundle of head pounds, and we all follow the scientists across the room.

We make it to some white double doors and Jenny opens it up wide.
We all gasp yet again. The room is huge.

It's full of tables with purple tablecloths and flowers in each. There's a huge stage right up in front.

"We have scheduled a private dinner for tonight," Devin starts.

"Where on earth do we sit?" Gema thinks aloud.

"Right here would be nice," Jenny replies, pointing to the one closest to the door.

We all take our seats and immediately a waiter comes to hand us a menu. I look through it and I find every single food there is on the planet.  Again, I'm exaggerating.

"What would you guys like tonight?" The waitress asks.

I look at her nametag, and find that her name is Anna.

We all state what we would like to eat, and Anna looks at the scientists, who are typing something underneath the table. They look up and order quickly, and look back down at the screens. Anna nods silently, and goes into the kitchen.

"So.... Who are the people that were going to meet?" I ask and they look up again, smiling at me.

They both set their iPad looking devices on the table that light up green. 

"I can already tell that you're not going to like it."

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