Chapter 30

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I walk dizzily down the hallway, not sure when the bad feelings will leave my body. Those feelings that you're not alone, or that something bad is bound to happen at the last second.

The world tumbles with my loose vision as I stumble down the hallway. The backpack on my shoulders, doesn't help the situation. As soon I exited my room, my vision didn't seem to want to cooperate with me. And all of this tumbling and circling made my nausea come back and is growing by the second.

I can't even see the buttons on the elevators right when I finally make it down the endless walk way. I'm hopeless, and I hate feeling that way. But who doesn't? Hopelessness somehow makes me feel stronger. I don't want to name myself with that horrid word, so I don't make it possible.

I trudge on, not letting myself fall. You're not useless, you're powerful. Show yourself you're not lying.

I make it to the classroom hallway and find myself not knowing where the hell to go.

I walk down slowly, trying hard to see correctly. I don't know where the classroom is even if I've been down this hallway multiple times. The swirling in my eyes is making everything seem farther then it's supposed to be. Sometimes closer. I even screamed when a fly decided to zoom past me, looking huge and seeming to be centimeters away from my eyes.

Just when I'm about to give up and probably throw up or pass out, I hear a door open. I squint my eyes, hanging on tight to the handrail. I barely see Jada's head pop out into the clearing.

"Edan?" She asks me and relief floods through suddenly.

I stumble over myself when my name is called, but get back on balance.

Finally, come help me. I want to say, but I guess my voice is lost again. Swirling somewhere where I can't reach it to get it back.

"What are you doing?" She asks again.

I know if I reply I will throw up my breakfast. I close my eyes, letting out a sigh as I tumble to the ground. And I let myself do it. I have traveled far enough, who knows what will happen if I continue.

My backpack crashes, and all the contents within it stumbles out recklessly.

Jada's mouth is open to say something, but it closes again and she runs over to me.

"What's going on with you?" She asks franticly and I still don't reply, not being able to pull the strength.

Her head in my eyes swirls, and I'm seeing two of her. What is wrong with me?

"Jenny!" Jada calls and Jenny appears in the doorway.

Her face scrunches at the sight of me, sighing loudly. She reaches into her back pocket and brings out a purple liquid as she walks over to me calmly.

"What's happening to her?" Jada asks, giving me a worried look.

"Don't worry, her body is still in shock from the visions that occurred a few hours ago. It causes dizziness, and weak muscles... Apart from sore throat."

She kneels down next to me and brings out a syringe. I still don't understand why everything has to be in needle form. What happened to the dose of pills? Or liquids that taste nothing like it says it will?

She fills the needle up with liquid, and quickly injects it into my arm.

"This will help but it'll take a few minutes. You shouldn't have been walking around like that Edan, that will only make the dizziness worse," she states, looking at me.

Of course I don't reply.

She slowly picks me up, and begins walking back to the classroom. Jada stays behind, picking up everything from the floor.

Once we enter the room, my eyes are filled with the sight of worried looks.

Jenny sets me down on a couch, and I close my eyes, finally relaxing as the nausea drains away... Slowly.

"Is she ok?" I hear Justin ask as I feel the pound of footsteps drawing closer.

"Oh yes, she's fine. Don't go to sleep now Edan," Jenny demands lightly and I open my eyes.

I glance up at Justin, who looks completely relieved at the sight of me.

"Can you hear me now?" I ask, my voice as raspy as before.

Justin's eyes light up.

"Yes," he responds, before his relief falls into slight fear.

Sadness grows in me. What happened? Why do I scare him? The only answer I can get is Jenny whispering, "Uh oh."

"What?" I ask quickly, shooting a glance at Jenny.

"Blue eyes."

Everybody stills. Tension fills the room yet again and I glance in every direction.

Blue eyes can mean two things. Either ice, or water is about to drown the place but nothing seems to be happening.

For a second, I think we're safe. Until Jada bursts into the room carrying my backpack. She shuts the door, locking it and setting my backpack on my desk, breathing hard. I sit up.

"Are you alright?"

She doesn't answer me, bringing her finger to her lips and I silence.

Then I hear the noise. Everybody's eyes glint with nervousness, and I know they hear it too.

"What's happening?" Gema whispers.

"Water... And it's coming fast," Devin responds, backing up along with Jenny.

They look around franticly as the sound grows louder and louder. I'm doing this?

Nayeli suddenly screams, making me flinch and she sprints over to Scarlet, who's hiding in the back of the room. She was the closest to the door, which can only mean one thing.

"Wo!" Mike yells, stepping back.

"What is it?" I ask weakly as everybody looks toward the ground, making space for some invisible force that I can't see.

I see something flash in the corner of my eye and slowly glance down. I gasp, and Justin stares at it in awe. The water has seeped through the crack under the door, and made a snake-like structure. It looks like it slithered all the way to me.

It stops at the end of the couch and starts lifting into the air, just enough so it can look directly into my eyes. It separates, and does the same to Justin who is trying his best not to run.

All it does is stand there, looking at me and nobody says a word. How is this happening? Surely this is some type of a trick.

But of course, it can't be. Water, fire, ice and air are the only elements that have chosen to come to life inside me. I'm afraid there's more to it, and I really don't want to find out the rest.

"Are you sure I'm doing this?" I ask skeptically, watching as the scientist's nod.

"All you," Jenny whispers, not leaving her eyes off the water.

I wonder what she's thinking about right then. Probably something on the lines of, "The water is going to kill me if I move or make a sound."

"And Justin?"

"You're his partner, so you have the same abilities as he does. They obey him too," Devin answers.

"Who's they?" Justin asks, not daring himself to look away.

"The elements."

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