Chapter 3

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My nerves are on high alert, and no matter how much I try to force myself to stop, my feet continued. I wish I could just turn around, and walk straight back into the school like nothing happened. But I know it won't be that easy.

I glance back towards the school as we gain closer to the back doors. The alarms are silent now, lights off and everything seems peaceful... I bite my tongue, turning away as we continue. What a ridiculous thought.

Everything is happening at a strange pace. Fast, and quick moving. My head pounds' harder with that thought in my head, and the wishful thinking of me wanting everything to slow down.

We all make it to the back doors, and the visitors silently open them to the heat of the summer sun on our faces. I squint my eyes as we walk out into the parking lot, all sense forgotten when we see what's waiting. In front of my eyes, I see a spaceship looking aircraft seeming as though it crash landed, crushing any cars that are under it.

My eyes widen and a breath shoots out of Nayeli suddenly as she stares next to me.

"Come. There are some people we want you to meet," the boy states with a smile.

"Why is he smiling?" Gema whispers, finally speaking.

Of course, I still don't have the will power to speak up. The shock that runs through me is getting bigger and bigger with each passing step. I close my eyes for a moment, sweat appearing on my brow as anxiety burns me. When is everything over?

We walk over to the aircraft, my eyes roaming over the silver cool metal, and UFO looking stance and build.

"Please get into a straight line," the girl demands of us and we all hesitate, staring at her.

She beckons us to hurry and we slowly do as they ask, quickly forming a line with me first, then Emily, Gema, Lizeth, Jada, and Nayeli in the back.

The boy fumbles with his back pocket, bringing out a type of cylinder looking object and I recognize it almost immediately. It's the shape of the little tubes that doctors would use for flu mist. I gulp. I hate the mist. The feeling of the cold liquid slowly trailing down your throat, and tasting the awfully bitter taste that makes me shiver. The tube has light green liquid in it, making me take a tiny step back.

"I know you have seen this before, but trust us when we say it's for the better," the girl tries with another tense smile.

Oh great! That makes me feel so much better.

"What's inside it?" Emily asks, almost in a whisper.

"A tracking device. So, if you decide to 'run away' we will know where to find you," the boy responds with a pointed look.

My eyes squint skeptically at them. What would give us a reason to be so frightened that we had to make the decision to run in the first place?

My head pounds and I sigh through my nose, my face tensing with the pain. Something doesn't feel right in this situation, but looking around the vacant parking lot, I still don't seem to have any choice.

Outside the school gates, sirens begin to blare. I force myself not to smile as police cars and ambulances begin to make their way into the school zone. I glance at the visitors, frowning to see no reaction come upon their faces. I glance back to the police cars, seeing them all stop by the front of the school, getting out turning to us. I smile then, turning back to the visitors who still don't seem to be showing any reaction.

"Wow this experiment must be very important," Emily whispers loudly to me, glancing at the officers as well. 

I watch the visitor's eyes finally turn grave.

"Yes, it is," the girl mumbles.

A shiver runs down my spine yet again as I glance back to the officers. They seem to be highly confused, before making some kind of decision and turning away. What are they doing?!

Emily lets loose a sigh.

"They can't see us. These visitors must be doing something to their vision..."

I glance to her.


She frowns at me.

"How should I know? These people are deadly and have all sorts of machinery."

I don't respond to that, any shed of hope draining from me as I watch the police officers trail themselves into the school. I turn back to the visitors who seem to be smirking.

"Ok . . . go ahead."

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