Chapter 11

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I wake up in bed, remembering Justin bringing me back to my room, and to my surprise giving me my first hug from him. I was so happy when I closed the door I screamed, knowing that nobody will hear me.

Yeah, it was just a hug but I felt awesome! My head didn't even scream in pain as I thought it would. It took me forever to fall asleep that night. But I managed... I don't know how, but I did.

I got up feeling light on my feet. That hug did something to me, and whatever that it is isn't wearing off anytime soon.

I shower quickly, re-straightening my hair, and dressing. I grab my backpack and head out the door.

When I come up to the dining room, everybody is already there. They sit on the couches and chairs, talking and laughing. Having a good time.

I sit next to Emily.

"Hey! Are you ok? You look dazed," She asks and I smile with a nod.

My head hasn't been bothering me all morning, and i'm beginning to wonder whether now would be a good time to tell them about it.

But before I can, Jenny and Devin walk in, smiling at the improvement they see in us.

"Glad to know you guys are getting to know each other," Jenny says happily.

We all don't answer, turning to face them silently as we wait for them to say something important.

"Ok then... if you guys could follow me that would be great," Devin commands and we all get up and follow them to the elevators.

Jenny presses level 5 and we all wait again.

"Now I know you guys are still a little shy, but once we get everything situated and done with, you will know this place better and will get to roam around wherever you please," Jenny states.

"Anywhere?" Nayeli asks and Jenny nods.

We all share surprised looks.

We make it to level 5 and we stumble out. There's another long hallway with doors at its sides. But this time there's a little window in each door.

"This is the classroom floor. You will be learning everything you need to know right here," Devin states proudly and we begin to walk down a few more yards, and the scientists stop by one room.

"Ok, so today you will be spending most of you time in here," Devin adds, opening the door.

I'm surprised to see what I saw. A regular classroom, with enough desks for all of us. I was expecting more from them... since they obviously have been stalking us for most of our lives.

"Please take your seats," Jenny calls, as we all sit down in silence.

"We will be teaching you today," Devin starts.

"But first we need you to fill out this test. It's not for a grade, and it should be easy for you. They are all questions that involve you," Jenny clears.

She reaches under the desk and gets out some blank pieces of paper. She passes it to all of us, and in the corner of my eye I see a tiny piece of my desk flip over, and a pencil appears.

I stare at it in awe and confusion. I pick it up, surprised to see it's solid. I realize my friends are doing the same thing. Jada gives me a confused look, and I shrug in response.

"Alright, you have 30 minutes to complete the test. Begin," Devin demands flatly.

Everybody looks down at the paper, confused since it's blank. I blink once, and questions fill the paper. I blink multiple times to see if I was imagining things, but the words stay in their place. I shake my head and begin to read all the questions.

1.    What power would you like to get if you were able?

A.    Earth Elements

B.    Fly/speed

C.    Freeze

D.    Walk through anything/Turn invisible

It's a hard decision, but I did dream about wanting powers of the earth elements, so I choose that one.

2.    What is your favorite animal?

A.    Tiger

B.    Guinea Pig

C.    Wolf

D.    Dog

Weren't they supposed to know everything about us? That just makes me more confused.

My head starts pounding again, and a shock of disappointment runs through my veins. They're still there. But I have been realizing that I tend to think way too much now. Maybe that's the reason these pounds came? I overly-think things? I shake off the question and circle Wolf.

3.    What subject in school are you best at?

A.    Math

B.    Science

C.    History

D.    Language

That's an easy one. I've always loved science, and I paid the most attention to it. I circle that one and I make it to the last question. You have to write out your answer.

4.    Would you save the world, even if you had to die to succeed? And why.

That one got me. I don't know what to choose. Yes, I would save the world... but to die for? I don't know. I'm stumped. I glance at Justin and we meet eyes.

Justin gives a confused expression and I shrug, glancing back to my paper. Saving the world is a good cause, and you never know... maybe I would survive. So, I only put the answer that makes the most sense to me, and seems to make the pounding in my head stop immediately.


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