Chapter 44

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Justin and I come up to my door, and I type in my code to my room.

"Ok, what do you want to work on first?" I ask, walking into my room as Justin reaches into his back pocket, bringing out a folded piece of paper.

He hands it to me, and I quickly unfold it. There I see the lyrics of "All of Me." Added with the piano notes.

I smile up at him.

"I love this song," I say, earning a smile back from Justin.

"And you're going to sing it?"

He shifts from foot to foot nervously.

"It's more of a 'we'," he mumbles and my smile only gets bigger.

"Ok, of course I'll sing with you. Whatever it takes to make you less nervous. You know Gema, and Emily can sing a little bit too right?" I ask him, and he grins.

"So can Luke, and Diamond."

"Cool. We can make a band," I joke, beginning to walk over to the piano.

I run my hands over the white keys, my heart jolting excitedly. I'm excited to sing with Justin, but I'm more excited to feel completely relaxed and happy. His voice just does that to me somehow.

"Do you know how to start the piano part?" I ask him, sitting on the bench.

Justin sits next to me, and nods.

"Yeah, I studied it a few days ago."

I nod and set the lyrics on the ledge.

"Who's going to start?"

"I guess I will..." Justin replies nervously, and I glance at him.

"You've done this before. No reason to get nervous."

"It's just hard... What if a miss a note?" He questions and I feel a grin on my face again.

"Then I'll fix it. Just pretend like you didn't mess up. I bet nobody will notice," I reply and he sighs.

He sets his hands on the keyboard, and starts playing.
After we finish, Justin laughs joylessly which makes me feel incredibly happy. He didn't miss one note and I feel very triumphant when he looks like he just won the lottery. My heart warms at the sight of excitement plastered on his face.

"That was amazing," he mumbles, his hands dropping to his lap and eyes staring down at the key's.

"I told you so," I say stubbornly, standing up.

I begin to walk to the bathroom but he grabs my arm.


I hesitate, before sitting back down slowly.


"Do remember when you were sick from the vision?"

I shiver.


"Well I think a little bit before that, we had a pool party. When you stormed off..." His voice trails off and I freeze when I know what he's asking.

"What were you so mad about? You said you would tell me," he questions and my heart rate picks up immediately.

My head pounds violently, my hands begin to sweat– no.

I close my eyes for a moment, forcing myself to calm down. I have to think carefully about this, and I can't do that while I'm freaking out...

I force my head to level out. I don't know if I should tell him or not. I don't want him to be disgusted. That's the one problem... The one memory I can't get away from... The memory of past him... The only thing I seem to remember very clearly.

I open my mouth, but close it again.

"You know... It doesn't really matter... It wasn't that important..." I protest, getting back up slowly.

Justin tilts his head.

"Oh, you don't want to tell me," he starts squinting is eyes.

Great, now I feel guilty.

"I didn't say that! I just decided that it didn't matter!" I protest, slowly backing away.

"Now I really want you to tell me!"

A mischief look grows on his face. He won't ever give me break now will he?

"Why do you want to know so badly?" I ask, my voice shaking yet again.

He laughs.

"Cause I want to see you embarrassed."

"You have seen me embarrassed enough lately!"

"Tell me."


"Tell me!"


He jumps to his feet, lurching towards me but I sense it seconds before it happens, dodging perfectly. Ah, so this is how things will go.

He's suddenly chasing me around the room with me dodging reflexively, and Justin not backing down. I don't even know what his notion is on how to get me to spill, but there's no stopping him.

His eyes suddenly turn gray, and he flies towards me.

"Cheater!" I yell as he knocks me down.

He pins me to the floor.

"Tell me!"

"Never!" I shout as I will my eyes to turn a deep blue.

Water crawls from the bathroom, the snake like forms slithering excitedly over my body and slapping him off me. I laugh, as he's about to attack me again. But I hear the door knock, and we both freeze.

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