Chapter 47

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We sprint out of the elevator at the lunch floor, but I stop. Everybody is still where they were last seen, but now there's a new girl.

I'm met with the body of Joy.

She's sitting next to Gema, bouncing on the couch and laughing every few seconds. She's wearing the same thing as Timidity but pink, and rose colored eyes.

"Guys get away from her!" I yell, making all of them flinch.

"What the heck!" Jada yells, bouncing farther away from the clone.

"She's a clone! I'm the real one!"

Joy stands up.

"Hello body!" She yells happily, skipping towards me and wrapping her arms around me.

I immediately tense.

"Hello Justin!" She says next, wrapping her arms around him as well.

He stands straight, staring at the wall.

"What's going on?!" Emily asks, pointing frighteningly at the clone and I walk over to her, showing her my necklace.

"This is a cloning device! When I put it on, it made clones of me from the 5 different emotions. One is Joy," I respond angrily, glancing over to the pink clone.

"Hi!" She yells, waving.

"So... Where are the others?" Lizeth asks.

"Found one!" Luke yells, and I jerk my head over to him.

He found laziness as she crawls on the floor towards us. But after a while she stops and lays her head down on the floor, letting out a long and loud sigh.

"I'm just going to lay here..." She mumbles, making Mike laugh.

"I think I like this one!" He states happily, before something pushes Justin to the ground.

I flinch wildly, yelping.


I glance to Justin, seeing Anger pinning him to the ground.

"I hate silence!" She yells at him and I clench my fists.

"Anger, get off him!" I suddenly yell.

What in the name of clones am I doing? I feel the sudden urge to all push them around until they obey me...

They are my clones after all and I'm not as afraid of them as only moments ago. I just switched again, now wanting them to do everything I say. I'm already highly annoyed by the pink flounder that still bounces along the couch cushions.

Anger looks at me with a scowl, and I'm a bit shaky when I question whether or not she'll attack me. But she surprisingly does what I say, and slowly makes her way off of Justin.

He sits up, but only to be knocked down again. I hear a tiny squeal and I sigh, heat flaring in my cheeks. Passion.

She hugs Justin so tight I think he's about to explode.

"I love you!" She says sternly and I slap my forehead.

Oh gods... This can't be happening. How can this day get any worse?

"Ok..." Justin whispers, trying to shove her off.

He looks at me with a raised eye brow.

"That's how you feel about me?" He asks, and my face heats.

"No! Yes! Whatever! That's not even me!" I protest, feeling highly stressed and feeling as though I'm raising children.

"I don't think I like it here..." I hear someone whisper.

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