Chapter 56

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I stand there for a second, knowing that a gray color swirls in my necklace.

Realization walks over me, and slowly turn around. Everybody becomes silent and I know they know who's next.

"Time to go get Passion," I state quietly and Justin gulps, looking at the ground. Another moment of silence passes over everybody, until Justin opens his mouth to speak.

"You're not coming," I interrupt, glaring at him. "Nobody is."

Justin rolls his eyes, looking straight into mine. "Edan, you're jealous."

Emily and Gema shoot a hot glare at him as I clench my fists.

I walk towards the elevator, bumping hard into Justin's shoulder on the way.

I walk into the elevator, pressing my floor. Nayeli runs up, stopping the door from closing.

I glare at her as she gives me a worried look.
"Can we at least watch you so you don't get hurt?" She asks me, and I force myself not to push her away.

"No, I'll be fine. All I have to do is touch her," I respond, hitting the button to close the elevator door rapidly.

"We're just worried about you. You look so mad," Emily adds walking up to stand beside Nayeli.

"That's because I am!" I shout and everybody turns quiet again.

Lizeth hesitantly walks over and grabs my arm.

"Relax. Like Emily said, we're just worried."

"I can take care of myself."

"We can't let you get hurt. We need you. All of you," Devin states glancing at me.

After a moment of staring at everybody, I sigh again.
"Alright fine," I say defeated.

Gema smiles at me. "Alright! Let's go!"

Everybody walks into the elevator with my fists clenched as the door finally closes.

We walk down the girl's hallway, until we get to my room. I stare at the newly made door, tilting my head. How did they manage to do that?

My head pounds as I stare at the code on the side of the door. I can't do this. I mentally slap myself. Yes you can, just type in the code and simply touch her with the necklace, that's it... Touch her with the necklace. Just that simple task, and everything will be finished.

I shake my head, hesitating before typing in the code. Everybody stands off to the side, staring intently at the door.

My bedroom slowly opens to me, showing nothing and I don't dare move.

A second passes until Passion tackles me to the ground.

"Why is everybody doing this to me?!" I shout angrily as Passion pins me to the floor.

"What's wrong Edan? Came back because you can't take heartbreak?" She sheers and I let out a cry.

"Shut up!" I shout, getting my wrist free and punching her straight in the face.

She winces before getting her grip back on me. "Tell him Edan! Tell him the truth! Tell him why you're so upset!" She yells at me and I glance over at my friends as my eyes tear up.

Devin and Jenny are holding everybody back. Why? Why are they doing that?!

I turn back at Passion, blinking away tears.

"What is she talking about?!" I hear Justin yell over the ruckus of my friends billows of anger. "Let me help her! Get your hands away from me!" Emily shouts, her eyes turning a bright orange.

My face hardens as I bring my leg up. I knee her straight in the stomach, making her loosen her grip on my wrist and hit her in the face again.

She falls off me and I get up quickly, holding my knuckles.

The urge to bring out my constellation hits me like a train. However, I don't do it. I don't want to do it. I want to fight this clone on my own.

I search through my pockets, looking for my sword but I silently curse when I remember I have left it in my room.

I watch as Passion gets up groggily, holding her stomach. Everybody suddenly falls silent and Passion and I stare at each other. What am I doing? I need to get the necklace.

I put my hand on my neck, but the necklace is gone. Oh no.

Passion laughs evilly. "Did someone lose their gift?"

Something clicks in my mind.
Justin, the necklace, the clones... And Justin thinking that I'm jealous. It's all Passion, controlling my emotions. I was right the first time. Everything that I've been feeling is a lie. I've been feeling so different because Passion is able to control me somehow... But that doesn't help my questions on who to believe. If Passion is somehow able to do this to me, she's going to make me question everything in my mind. Hell! Does Justin actually hate me, or is Passion making me question it!?

I glare daggers. "You're the one who's jealous Passion. Jealous because you can't have him!" I yell and she growls loudly at me and runs up, pushing me against the wall.

"You're just too afraid that he doesn't like you has much as you like him!" She yells back as I try to get out of her grasp.

"Edan! What the heck is she talking about?!" Justin yells, trying to get through Jenny and Devin.
Why are they holding them from helping me? That's what Devin wanted in the first place!

I groan, using all my strength to push Passion off me. I pin her against the wall, and glare at her.

"You're dead to me!" I yell.

"And so is your love!" She shouts back and I freeze.

Something in me snaps, and Passion takes that time to punch me straight in the ribs.
I fall to ground, feeling weaker and sad. What is she doing to me?

"Get up! Edan I swear to god, don't give up on me!" Gema yells sternly and my vision turns blurry. Pain racks my body and my head pounds so violently I feel as though it's about to rip out of my skull.

Passion walks towards me, an evil smile on her face. "You're so fragile Edan... One wrong thing that comes out of a person's mouth, can cause you great Timidity."

Something shines in the corner of my eye. I look over and just below Justin's feet... It's the necklace.
"Justin... Look down."

Justin hesitates, before looking at the ground and silently gasping. He slowly picks up the necklace.

"You know... It would be nice to roam free... It's sad to know you won't get too!" Passion yells, taking out a knife from her back pocket.

My eyes widen and I try to get up. Pain shoots through my body and I drop back down. This can't be the end of me. Defeated by my own self...

The knife glints in the shine of the lights... But she waits. Why isn't she moving?

"Tell him Edan. Or do I have to tell him for you?" She asks, making my eyes shoot towards her.

I will my powers to take over, but nothing happens. No water, fire, or snow... I'm too weak. This can't be happening.

"You wouldn't," I snap making her laugh.

"Oh you know I would. I just have to do one last thing first," she whispers bringing the knife up. No!

"Justin now!" I shout at him and Justin throws the necklace, his eyes turning the color silver has wind sweeps it towards Passion.

The necklace hits her in the side of her head, making her gasp. She quivers, shining brightly as she gives me one last glare.

"You will pay for this!" She yells, before disappearing.

The knife falls to the ground and I sigh.

Jenny and Devin run towards me, kneeling down.
"This isn't good."

Snap To PowerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora